Wallace Realty Group
Case Study

Wallace Realty Group witnessed a 100% increase in conversion rates after partnering with Dubb


Blake Wallace, owner and principal broker of Wallace Realty Group, has been working in the real estate industry for over a decade. In the early years of founding his firm, Blake implemented traditional prospecting methods, such as cold calling and door knocking, to build his business.

Previously, Blake's sales process involved meeting with potential clients at the property to provide a real estate valuation, which he would send via email afterward. However, he discovered that many of these leads lost interest and fell off, primarily due to the lack of a personal connection.

Realizing the need to establish a stronger connection with his clients, Blake sought out innovative ways to enhance his approach. He soon recognized the potential benefits of incorporating video into his strategy, which led him to Dubb.

The Challenges


By leveraging the Dubb platform, Blake and his team at Wallace Realty Group have implemented several solutions to enhance their sales process and overall business performance. Rather than just sending email attachments, Blake now provides comparative market analyses and informative explainer videos in the form of videos, helping his prospects make better-informed decisions when purchasing properties. Additionally, he uses Dubb videos to stay in touch with past clients and potentially reconnect with them.

Besides using Dubb for prospecting, Blake has also started creating educational video content, such as market updates, for fellow realtors to gain valuable insights from. These efforts have ultimately helped establish Blake as a recognized expert in his field.

Blake and his team continue to enjoy and benefit from Dubb's features, particularly the teleprompter, call-to-action buttons, video presets, showcase pages, and video playlists.

The Solutions


Blake understands the importance of the "know, like, and trust" factor in sales. By incorporating Dubb videos into his prospecting and outreach efforts, he saw a 100% increase in Wallace Realty Group's conversion rates.

His streamlined process begins with sending his contacts a video message. This allows people to meet him before their actual meeting, even if it's asynchronously. It also reduces the length of his listing appointments, as his clients come to the meetings already educated from the explainer videos he's sent out beforehand. Furthermore, the trust factor is already present, as his clients have already watched videos of him.

Want to learn more about how Dubb can help you reach your sales and marketing goals? Feel free to contact us.

The Results

The Numbers

Get Dubb and get results


Increase in conversion rate


Decrease in appointment times

Blake Wallace

I've replaced my old CRM with Dubb. It contributed to a 100% increase in our conversion rates, and 75% decrease in our listing appointment times.

Blake Wallace ,

Wallace Realty Group

Blake Wallace

I've replaced my old CRM with Dubb. It contributed to a 100% increase in our conversion rates, and 75% decrease in our listing appointment times.

Blake Wallace ,

Wallace Realty Group