Case Study

SolidCAM increases response and conversion rates after partnering with Dubb


Maria Paez is the General Manager of the Spanish subsidiary of SolidCAM, a leading independent company in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Catering to over 24,000 industrial customers, one of the company's biggest challenges is effectively communicating the technical details of their products while speeding up the decision-making process.

To address this challenge, SolidCAM's technical and sales teams decided to explore video solutions, recognizing that videos are the most efficient way to showcase the functionality of their machines.

The Challenges


Today, Maria and her team at SolidCAM Spain use Dubb to create various types of videos to enhance their business operations.

Firstly, they use the power of video to create product offering and proposal videos. This approach expedites the decision-making process for their clients. With video, clients can see the product and the people selling it, leading them to trust easily. The team found that communicating through video is significantly more efficient than text-based methods, as the visual element reduces the chances of messages getting lost in translation.

Moreover, SolidCAM also leverages the Dubb software to improve internal communication. The platform allows them to have asynchronous conversations with their colleagues, which saves them time and other valuable resources.

The Solutions


Dubb has become an integral part of SolidCAM's business Maria and her team have witnessed a significant increase in response and conversion rates since incorporating the software into their sales and marketing strategy.

Maria and her team have found that by leveraging the power of Dubb, they can streamline communication, decrease sales cycles with video, and ultimately improve their overall bottom line.

To learn more about how Dubb can help you achieve similar results, feel free to contact us.

The Results
Maria Paez

"I could no longer imagine our business without Dubb. We use it for prospecting, support, and internal communication. It’s key to scaling our efforts and increasing our sales. I’m so happy to have discovered the Dubb platform."

Maria Paez,

Country Manager SolidCAM

Maria Paez

"I could no longer imagine our business without Dubb. We use it for prospecting, support, and internal communication. It’s key to scaling our efforts and increasing our sales. I’m so happy to have discovered the Dubb platform."

Maria Paez,

Country Manager SolidCAM