Seven Fold Coaching
Case Study

Dubb videos help me make a good impression, improve communication, and boost engagement with my clients. As a result, I’ve been able to book more meetings, close more deals, and save a ton of time!



As a certified Transformational Life Coach and the founder of Sevenfold Coaching, I coach women to transform their mindset and see the best in themselves, their circumstances and attract positive people, opportunities, and wealth.

A big challenge I faced was building better connections with my prospective (and current) clients. Typically, I had to deal with back and forth emails while trying to book appointments or getting clients to take action.

The Challenges


After someone sent me a Dubb video, I was wowed and it immediately clicked that I needed to include videos in my messaging and communication with clients.
So, I started replacing text emails with simple personalized Dubb video messages.

A vital part of the Dubb platform I found very useful was the level of customization on the videos and landing pages and the flexible call-to-action buttons.

I was able to integrate my calendar on the video page to make booking a lot easier and faster.

The Solutions


The results I got from Dubb have been nothing short of amazing!

I’ve been able to book more meetings and save a ton of time - without the long back-and-forth email threads.

I regularly get comments from people being amazed by my video messages - because Dubb allows me to easily send videos that feel personalized to each client. Overall, videos add that human touch to my messaging, which helps me build better connections.

If you’d like to learn more about how Dubb can help you reach your sales and marketing goals, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Results
Felicia Miller Johnson

I was hooked the moment I got a Dubb video! I knew it was the tool for me - and I’ve been able to book more meetings, close more deals, and save a ton of time.

Felicia Miller Johnson,

Life Coach & Webcaster, Seven Fold Coaching

Felicia Miller Johnson

I was hooked the moment I got a Dubb video! I knew it was the tool for me - and I’ve been able to book more meetings, close more deals, and save a ton of time.

Felicia Miller Johnson,

Life Coach & Webcaster, Seven Fold Coaching