Jeffrey Gitomer
Case Study

Jeffrey Gitomer realizes 100% increase in sales engagement with Dubb



Jeffrey Gitomer is a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, including The Little Red Book of Selling and The Sales Bible. He is also the CEO and founder of a world-renowned coaching and training business that has catered to some of the most well known brands on the planet. Since founding his company, he has delivered countless keynote speeches, coaching sessions, and educational productions.

Known as the "King of Sales", Jeffrey realized that providing content to "watch" instead of "read" gave him a critical competitive advantage. Since this realization, sending Dubb video messages has become his de facto method of communication for both 1:1 and 1:many communication.

The Challenges


The Gitomer team was very quick to setup and implement all aspects of the Dubb stack including the mobile app, desktop app, automation, and email sender. As a result of this integrated video approach, the company has realized a dramatic increase to its email click, video watch, and sales conversion rates.

The Solutions


As a result of using Dubb, Gitomer has realized an increase of over 100% in sales engagement. By leveraging personalized calls to action, playlist videos, and data-driven automation, the company has fully realized the power of Dubb to drive more sales. The Gitomer team is also proud to evangelize Dubb as the preeminent video platform for anyone is sales, marketing, and business development.

The Results

The Numbers

Get Dubb and get results


Increase in email click rate


Increase in sales conversion rate

Jeffrey Gitomer

"I’ve tried other platforms, but I choose Dubb. Why? Using Dubb to send videos converts to money."

Jeffrey Gitomer,

CEO of Buy Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer

"I’ve tried other platforms, but I choose Dubb. Why? Using Dubb to send videos converts to money."

Jeffrey Gitomer,

CEO of Buy Gitomer