David Silverman & Associates, Inc.
Case Study

Dubb has dramatically transformed the way we operate for the better.



David Silverman & Associates (DSA) specializes in highly visual light fittings and site furnishings from the best manufacturers in the world. The company’s primary clientele are architects, landscape architects, lighting contractors, interior designers, and property owners.

Prior to partnering with Dubb, DSA struggled to get responses and book client meetings for the sales staff via digital channels such as email and LinkedIn. In the new "virtual first" world, leadership continued to hear reports from the sales staff about how challenging it was to build rapport with prospects digitally and subsequently book face-to-face meetings.

The Challenges


The sales staff and marketing team now uses the Dubb platform to record prospecting videos, personalize messaging, educate clients, and book more meetings that drive sales. The company also uses Dubb for internal training to empower and train the sales staff. DSA clients have enjoyed receiving and watching demonstrational videos relating to the research, buying, and using phases of the customer lifecycle.

DSA also came to the Dubb team with a special need to have video showcase pages. The Dubb team worked closely with DSA to build the new Dubb Showcase Page functionality, which allows viewers to search and watch a library of videos. This is a great example of the Dubb team building customer-driven features and releasing them to the general audience.

The Solutions


As a direct result of using the Dubb platform (including Showcase Pages, the Outlook integration, and more), DSA has been able to increase its pipeline and sales conversion rate while speeding up the sales cycle.

The sales staff continues to report nothing but positive feedback from prospects and clients alike.

The Results

The Numbers

Get Dubb and get results


Increase to email reply rates


Sales Increase rates


Number of team members


Number of contacts generated

Niki Brice

"Dubb has become the all-in-one solution to help us get more interest, responses, bookings, and sales - all by using video."

Niki Brice,

Sales Representative at David Silverman & Associates, Inc.

"Dubb has become the all-in-one solution to help us get more interest, responses, bookings, and sales - all by using video."

Niki Brice,

Sales Representative at David Silverman & Associates, Inc.