College Coaching Network
Case Study

Dubb changes the game for College Coaching Network; improves operational efficiency and reduces costs


College Coaching Network (CCN), founded by Claude Harris, provides virtual help, guidance, and community to high school students. They offer a scholarship program that allows students to engage in social learning through courses that offer gamification and peer-to-peer interaction. With CCN, students have access to Virtual College fairs and tours and access to virtual mentors and live classes. Micka Jones, the Director of Operations, has been coaching visionaries for over ten years to help them bring their visions to fruition. However, the company had some challenges to overcome to create a successful platform.

One significant challenge the company faced was to keep the students engaged and motivated. To achieve this, they needed to find a way to incentivize students to complete courses and programs. Claude and Micka believe that gamification is an effective way to engage students and keep them motivated in achieving their goals.

Another was finding the right technology to streamline the company's work processes. CCN invested in many programs, but couldn’t find the ideal one. As a natural researcher, Claude was always on the lookout for programs that could add value to their platform, and this resulted in him discovering Dubb.

The Challenges


CCN overcame their challenges by adopting Dubb, a video messaging platform that fit perfectly with their gamification strategy. Dubb enabled CCN to deliver engaging video content in bite-sized portions, incentivizing students to learn and providing an ideal medium for those who prefer videos over written documents.

One feature of Dubb that CCN found particularly useful was the integration of forms, which allowed them to collect relevant data from students and parents, enabling them to provide tailored updates and information.

Claude and Micka also spoke highly of Dubb's support team, who provided valuable guidance and helped them navigate the software effectively.

And thanks to Dubb's automation feature, CCN was able to streamline their operations and reduce the need for additional hires.

The Solutions


One of the most significant improvements was seen in the completion rate of courses and programs offered by CCN. The gamification strategy and video-based approach enabled by Dubb helped to keep students motivated and engaged, resulting in a significant increase in the number of students completing courses and programs.

Additionally, the adoption of Dubb's automation feature helped CCN streamline their operations, allowing them to operate with fewer employees. This led to a reduction in operational costs while improving the overall efficiency of the organization.

Moreover, the integration of forms in Dubb allowed CCN to collect relevant data from students, enabling them to provide better updates and information to both students and parents. This helped to improve the student retention rate as well as increase parental involvement in the students' education.

Overall, the adoption of Dubb resulted in significant improvements in completion rates, operational efficiency, and parental involvement, making College Coaching Network a more effective and successful platform for helping students discover their true purpose and find their way to it.

The Results
Claude Harris

"We love Dubb for streamlining our operations. Its automation features have been particularly beneficial, allowing us to operate more efficiently and even take some well-deserved vacations. Automation leads to vacations!"

Claude Harris,

College Coaching Network (CCN)

Claude Harris

"We love Dubb for streamlining our operations. Its automation features have been particularly beneficial, allowing us to operate more efficiently and even take some well-deserved vacations. Automation leads to vacations!"

Claude Harris,

College Coaching Network (CCN)