200 Person Sales Team
Achieve 256% Growth

We have incorporated video into all of our messaging, prospecting, nurturing and closing efforts. Sending personalized video messages helps our reps to make good impressions and stand out from our competition.


Fortune 500 and Inc 5000 companies trust us to handle their sales outreach. Our goal was to boost the response rates of our messaging, as well as increase the number of calls our reps are booking.

The Challenges


In order to get better results, we decided to use Dubb to incorporate videos in our marketing and sales outreach efforts.

Our SDRs replaced text emails with personalized video messages and included powerful calls-to-action on the video landing pages. We also used Dubb’s automated workflows to send the right message to the right prospect at the right time, without manual followup.

Compared to other video marketing tools, Dubb was our choice because they have a robust feature set that’s specific to sales. And integrating with our stack was easy. Their video sales training was also critical to our success.

The Solutions


After we started using Dubb, the results were tremendous! Our reps got a 116% boost in booking rates for clients and we noticed a 256% increase in total sales.

We’ve also gotten better engagement on LinkedIn and across our social channels.

The Results

The Numbers

Get Dubb and get results


Sales Increase


Booking Increase


Response Rate


SDR Team Size

Amir Reiter

After using Dubb, our sales reps got a 116% boost in booking rates for clients and we achieved a 256% increase in sales from our sales messages. We choose Dubb because they have a robust feature set that’s specific to sales. And integrating with our stack was easy.

Amir Reiter,

Cloud Task

Amir Reiter

After using Dubb, our sales reps got a 116% boost in booking rates for clients and we achieved a 256% increase in sales from our sales messages. We choose Dubb because they have a robust feature set that’s specific to sales. And integrating with our stack was easy.

Amir Reiter,

Cloud Task