Vidyard is a company that offers video tools for virtual for large and small companies alike. If you are in the sales and marketing worlds, you may have already heard of it. If not, you can think of Vidyard as a set of tools that helps you leverage the power of video in your day-to-day work.
Whether you have tried Vidyard before or are searching for a video marketing platform, it is helpful to understand what Vidyard is and how it can play a part in the growth of your business. Purchasing any type of video sales and marketing tool is a big decision, so you will certainly want to do your own diligence before hitting the buy button.
At Dubb, we are always trying to help businesses find the best tools to help them accomplish their goals. As it turns out, some individuals are on the fence between Vidyard and Dubb. Clearly, I am biased. As I will discuss below, I believe that Dubb is an extremely compelling alternative to Vidyard. Using Dubb, you can get many more must-have features at a much more competitive price.
With that said, I want to take a close look at Vidyard and the features that you’ll get if you choose to become a Vidyard user. At the end of this post, you will have a good idea of what Vidyard is, some of the features that you’ll get by becoming a Vidyard customer, and how Dubb offers value for businesses looking to leverage the power of video sales and marketing. With all of this information in mind, you will have a great idea of which video platform that you want to use—both now and in the future.
So are you ready? Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Video Helps You Build Great Relationships With Your Audience
Video Can Build Your Business’s Brand Equity
Video Is an Easier Way of Communicating
Video Lets You Create Screen Recording Videos
Features That You’ll Find on Vidyard
Vidyard’s Screen and Webcam Recording
Why Video Is So Powerful
Before we start discussing Vidyard and the features that you can find on its platform, I think it’s worthwhile to discuss why video is so powerful. Granted, you have plenty of choices when you are thinking of ways to communicate with your audience. You can send a quick email or text message to an interested prospect. You can pick up the phone and cold call some prospects. Or you can go to a trade show or networking event and talk to prospects face-to-face.
Inherently, there is nothing wrong with these strategies. In fact, you may find some great customers by picking up the phone or meeting some new people face-to-face. However, my colleagues and I strongly believe that video provides you with all kinds of advantages that can help you reach your sales and marketing goals.
But this probably is familiar to you. Regardless of your business, you likely have heard of the power of video content along with platforms like Dubb and Vidyard. No matter your particular goals, you can use video to help you accomplish them.
Ultimately, there are several key benefits to creating video content for your business. While this list isn’t complete, I wanted to point out some of the main reasons why you will want to invest in video over other mediums.
Video Helps You Build Great Relationships With Your Audience
For starters, video is an immensely powerful tool because it helps you build strong and lasting relationships with any type of audience. That audience can be one key prospect or a cohort of mildly interested prospects. It can even be your entire email list.
Whoever your audience is, you can use video to create or strengthen those bonds. This is for several reasons.
Most importantly, video is an outstanding way to tell stories.
As humans, we are wired to hear stories. Ever since those early days around the campfire, our brains have been attracted to stories about all kinds of things. From the challenges that we succumbed to in the past to triumphs that we just overcame in our personal or professional lives, these stories give life meaning. They help us relate to each other, whether we are telling those stories to trusted friends or to acquaintances.
So why is video such a great medium for telling stories? Simply put, you can leverage visuals to tell those stories. Like stories themselves, our brains are attracted to visuals. We like consuming content in a visual format and tend to remember that type of content.
Putting all of this together, you can likely see why video is so effective. It lets you capitalize on human biases toward visuals and stories. Better yet, the medium itself gives you so much freedom to tell those stories. Those stories can come in the form of a quick selfie video from your audience, a video testimonial from a satisfied customer, or even a more narrative video where you share your thoughts on a breaking news story in your industry. You can even share your company’s origin story in a fun and unique way.
Whatever the case may be, telling those stories helps you build strong relationships with your audience. This comes from the fact that you can provide all types of value in your videos. This includes functional value, social value, and emotional value. Whether you are creating a video about how to better use your product or simply checking in with your audience at the height of Covid-19, your video content can create some real improvement in your audience’s lives. That improvement leads to a stronger tie with you and your company, which makes it more likely that your audience will purchase your product or service.
Video Can Build Your Business’s Brand Equity
This is a benefit that is closely tied with the benefit I described above. By creating high-quality video content and distributing it to your audience, you get to strengthen your business’s brand.
No matter the size or sector of your business, your company’s brand can play a large role in its failure or success. For as much as we hope for our audiences to purchase on the merit of our products or services, making a purchase is an emotional decision. Sure, we don’t totally discount facts when spending our hard-earned dollars. That said, we rely on our emotions more than we may think.
In this emotional type of decision-making, a strong brand can play a huge role. If your audience has a positive emotional connection with your brand and your business, you will find that they are more likely to actually make a purchase. On the other hand, if your brand is weak (or even has a negative association), you are putting an unnecessary obstacle in your path. Even if your product or service attracts the logical brain of a specific prospect, that emotional brain—and its negative feelings toward your brand—is going to cause that prospect to move on.
Luckily, video can help you strengthen both your personal brand and your company’s brand. It does this by letting you be your authentic self, tell stories, and add real value to your viewers’ lives. You don’t have to put on some sort of “front” or persona to build that brand and connect with your audiences. On the contrary, doing so can hurt your brand and make your videos less effective. By being your authentic self, providing value, and really speaking to your audience, you can build an extremely positive brand.
If you really think about it, video provides the ultimate branding opportunity. You can incorporate any copy, branding, or images that you’d like. Whether you are introducing a new product or service or are looking for a way to stay in touch with a key customer, video offers you a great chance to articulate and expand upon your brand.
Video Is an Easier Way of Communicating
No matter what type of business that you’re in, you are undoubtedly spending much of your day communicating with your colleagues and team members. After all, business isn’t a solitary sport. Even if you are a solopreneur, you are inevitably relying on contracts, freelancers, or other individuals to help you reach your goals.
So when you are communicating with a team member, you have a choice on how you want to communicate. That said, many of us don’t recognize that this is a choice. We automatically default to in-person conversations, emails, or text messages. Putting in-person conversations to the side, these text-based forms of communication can work. You can use them to relay important messages to one colleague or many colleagues.
Nonetheless, you can probably guess where I’m going here. While the “normal” way of communicating seems to solely include the ways mentioned above, I believe that video is a fantastic way of communicating with your colleagues.
To explain why, it is first important to define two terms related to video communication. The first is synchronous videos. Synchronous videos are those where you and your audience are communicating in real-time. The best example of this is a Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting. During Covid-19, I’m sure you have been in at least one of these meetings. They let you and all of the meeting attendees interact and speak with each other simultaneously. There are other features available (like an online chat), but for the most part, the value comes from the fact that you and your attendees are speaking to each other.
On the other hand, the second term is asynchronous videos. Asynchronous videos sound like synchronous videos, yet there is one key difference here. That is the fact that the creation and consumption of the video are occurring at separate times. In other words, you are recording the video at one time and your audience is consuming that video at different times.
At Dubb, we believe that asynchronous videos can be immensely useful for your organization. Yes, synchronous videos have their time and place. If you need to get your entire team in one room and you can’t meet physically, something like a Zoom meeting can be perfectly fine. However, asynchronous videos are much more convenient ways to communicate with virtually any type of audience.
For one thing, you can avoid dreaded scheduling emails. Even if you and a group of people believe that a virtual meeting is necessary, it can take many emails (and perhaps several days) to find a date and time that is convenient for everyone. There is lots of wasted time trying to schedule that meeting, which makes you less productive and less able to focus on your daily work. With asynchronous videos, however, you can record and watch videos on your own time. It is well-suited for the times that we live in. With this power, you can supercharge your productivity, whether you are creating a key video for an important prospect or watching a product video that was sent to you.
You can also go back and review the video if something is unclear. There are plenty of times in Zoom meetings where someone says something important, yet we don’t understand due to lag or something else. Along with this, with asynchronous videos, we can pause and restart as necessary. If we are at our desks and are interrupted by an important phone call, we can pause the video, take that important phone call, and start that video again without having missed anything.
Ultimately, I can go on and on about how video makes us better communicators. In the end, the best way for you to see its power is to try it for yourself. For instance, instead of sending a lengthy email, take out your phone and record a quick selfie video. I’m sure that you’ll be encouraged by the results.
Video Is More Entertaining
Next, let’s talk about the fact that video is simply more fun and entertaining to consume.
Yes, there are plenty of times when you need to communicate cold, hard facts to your audience. This can be everything from how to better use your product or service or how to get a tantalizing discount that you’re offering for loyal customers. Yet even when you want to communicate those cold facts, you can do so in an entertaining manner. Video lets you do this.
As just one example, if you want to relay important information on how to better use your product or service, you can absolutely do so. You can shoot a fun troubleshooting session with members of your team. In 10 or 20 minutes, you can relay the information and do so in a way that helps you build a strong relationship with your audience. In this scenario, you don’t have to read off a script to provide this helpful information. Instead, you can have a real, authentic conversation with members of your team. The fact that you are having those conversations (and you are inviting your audience into those conversations) helps you build those strong bonds.
Moving beyond these functional types of videos, you can also create and send fun videos to your audience. No matter what business that you’re in, these fun videos can separate your business from your competitors. Your competitors may be solely focused on sending functional emails or text messages to their audiences. While this can be a solid way of exchanging important information about their companies, they are missing out on those opportunities to entertain and educate their audiences.
On the other hand, your videos can be the first things that your audience members search for when they turn on their computers or smartphones. You can take this a million different ways. Just keep in mind that you have plenty of chances to both educate and entertain your audience with video. If you are willing to take advantage of these opportunities, you’ll notice that they can make a big difference in strengthening your audience relationships.
Video Lets You Create Screen Recording Videos
Finally, I want to talk about one more factor that makes video so powerful. Using video creation tools like Dubb and Vidyard, you can record your screen and share those recordings with your audience. Whether you want to only record your screen or record yourself in a web bubble with your screen, this feature can provide immense value to your audience.
As you likely already know, a screen recording is a way to share your screen with one or several people. If you have needed IT help at your job, for instance, you may have already interacted with a screen recording. Essentially, screen recordings are so powerful because they let you visually explain complicated topics.
Think of a situation where you are sitting down with one of your users and are trying to explain how to better use your product. If you are doing this over email, you’ll need to describe this in words. As you can imagine, this is much easier said than done. Not only can it be confusing to describe, but it can take a long time to type out a lengthy instructional email.
The same is true of voice messages. Yes, you don’t need to type out a lengthy instructional email to your audience. You can simply speak the instructions into your electronic device and hit send. That said, you still need to describe the steps in visual terms. Even if you successfully do that, your audience will need to translate what you are describing into actual action on their screens.
You can avoid all of these problems with a screen recording video. By visually showing your audience what you are describing, you can make your point so much easier. Screen recordings are easy to create and create immense value in your viewers’ lives. You cannot get this type of value from text or audio forms of communication.
A Brief Overview of Vidyard
Developing compelling and engaging videos can increase your business’s brand equity. It can lead to customers who make recurring purchases. In the best-case scenario, your video content goes viral, which results in an explosion of growth for your business. Even if your video content doesn’t go viral, creating solid video content over time can help you accomplish your business goals.
The value proposition of video is clear. However, deciding between the tools that you can use to create that content is hazier. There are plenty of choices in the marketplace today, so it may seem daunting to choose between all of the available options.
Like I said above, my colleagues and I are biased about our product (which we encourage you to try by clicking here). That said, you may still be interested in learning about Vidyard and what it can offer you. Because of this, I want to spend some time describing what Vidyard is and the features that it offers to users. With this information in mind, you can make the best decision going forward.
Introducing Vidyard
If you visit Vidyard’s webpage, the first thing you see is that Vidyard is “video built for virtual selling.” This is unlike many video platforms on the market today. Often, you’ll find that a company or developer has developed some video software for a more generalized audience.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this. There are plenty of great video recording, editing, and distribution tools that are more catered for a broader audience. In fact, you may be using some of them right now.
Vidyard (and Dubb) are different in that they are created with business clients in mind. In other words, they include certain features that provide immense value to both you and your colleagues. You may not find those critical features on a more generalized platform.
So when you are searching for a video platform for your business, make sure that it was actually created for businesses. This way, you will ensure that you are picking a platform that is most catered to you and your organization.
Features That You’ll Find on Vidyard
To start, let’s take a quick look at what you will get if you decide to work with Vidyard.
A Video Platform
Vidyard offers several tools for marketers. First, Vidyard offers a video platform, where customers can host, share, and track videos. This is an important feature that contains multiple parts.
Let’s start with the hosting benefit. Whenever you are creating video content, you need to find a place to host it. Essentially, this means that your video has a certain home where it can be displayed to any and all of your viewers. For many people, this means posting video content on social media.
YouTube, for instance, is the second-most visited website on the Internet and hosts billions of videos. If you want to view a video that was uploaded to YouTube, you can go to YouTube to view it. Yes, the creator may embed the video in other places (including on their own websites). That said, YouTube is doing the work behind the scenes to host the video.
So what does this mean for you? Ultimately, whenever you are done recording and editing any type of video content, you can upload that video to Vidyard. Specifically, Vidyard’s hosting service allows you to upload, download, and store videos on the company’s infrastructure. No matter what type of plan you choose, Vidyard offers you unlimited storage. This ability to upload, download, and store videos on Vidyard can eliminate one item on your to-do list.
Along with the hosting benefit, Vidyard offers a video player to its clients. This video player lets clients interact with viewers with pre and post-roll calls to action, forms, and links. All of these features are helpful, but calls to action are extremely notable. Calls to action (CTAs), as you may already know, are tools that you can use to move prospects down your funnels. Essentially, they are paths that your viewer can take after watching your video content. If you are creating videos for business and want to use your videos to generate more sales, you will certainly want to incorporate CTAs into all of your videos. One CTA that Vidyard offers, for instance, lets you link to your third-party calendar, which lets viewers schedule a call on your calendar.
All of this is to say that Vidyard users should definitely take advantage of CTAs. Outlining these next steps can go a long way in helping your viewers take the actions that you want them to take.
Finally, there is tracking. The company also offers analytics and search engine optimization (SEO) tools to help your content get found.
As you likely already know, tracking and analytics are huge components of executing any video sales and marketing strategy. If your video content isn’t getting found, it is hard to justify the time and investment that is required of creating high-quality video content. On the other hand, if you are creating video content and studying how your audience is reacting to that content, you will start creating more and more fantastic videos. You are essentially leveraging a flywheel effect. You create video content, you gather analytics, you study those analytics, you incorporate that feedback into new video content, and the cycle repeats.
With detailed tracking and analytics, you get to understand how your audience is truly reacting to your videos. You get cold, hard facts that you can use in your future video content.
Along with tracking and analytics are SEO tools. No matter what product or service that you’re selling, SEO can be a fantastic source of inbound content. Yes, it can be competitive. With nearly every business recognizing the power of SEO, there are few (if any) keywords that aren’t intensely competitive. However, if you are able to rank highly on your chosen keywords, you can find a consistent source of warm prospects without any further work.
Because of this, Vidyard’s SEO tool can help you automatically optimize your videos. Focusing on things like captions and metadata, you have a slightly better chance of ranking higher for your chosen keywords.
Vidyard’s Screen and Webcam Recording
As you can see, Vidyard’s video platform offers plenty of features for all kinds of creators. Whether you are just starting to create video content or have been creating video content for many years now, these features can help you create better videos.
In addition to Vidyard’s video platform, you can also leverage Vidyard’s screen and webcam recording tool. In the past, this was called Vidyard GoVideo, but the company appears to have changed the name.
Vidyard’s free screen and webcam recording tool is a product that allows you to easily record and send videos for free. Specifically, it is a webcam and screen recording tool that is designed for professionals in B2B businesses. As Vidyard describes on his website, using this free screen and webcam recording tool, businesses like yours can “transform your prospecting communications, customer presentations, and team updates into videos that help your message get heard.”
Using this tool, you can do things like upload an existing video, record a new video using the screen and webcam recorder, embed that video on your website, and get notifications when your video has been watched. In your videos, you can also add in-video CTAs to direct viewers to take certain actions after watching the video. Once again, CTAs can really help you get closer to accomplishing your business goals.
You can get all of these features in Vidyard’s free screen and webcam recording tool. It can be an easy-to-use tool if you need to quickly record a video on your computer and send it to a specific audience.
Finally, Vidyard prides itself on letting customers personalize their videos. It specifically touts “personalization at scale,” meaning that you can create large numbers of custom videos by integrating a viewer’s name, company, or other personalized information.
Personalization is an important component of any type of sales or marketing work. Let’s face it: no matter the product or service that you are selling, you need to sell that product or service to an individual. That individual likely has slightly different needs than another individual in his or her situation. That being said, every individual wants to be recognized.
As Dale Carnegie famously said, the most beautiful word in the English language is a person’s name. If you are able to do something as simple as identify a person’s name in your sales videos, you will stand out from your competitors. You get to build those strong, personal connections that can lead to sales—both now and in the future.
Because of this, you’ll want to leverage some type of personalization in your video content. This is true whether you become a Vidyard user or whether you select a different platform. Incorporating personal information like names, company names, and more can go a long way in getting you closer to an eventual sale.
Vidyard Pricing
These are just some of the features that Vidyard offers to its users. At its core, however, the company designed its products to help business professionals leverage the power of video. Whether you use some or all of the features discussed above, you can create better video content.
However, our overarching view of Vidyard isn’t done. Before wrapping it up, let’s proceed to discuss one of the most important elements when selecting any product or service—pricing.
Pricing is something that may not be the most important variable that you consider. After all, you may find the best price for a video marketing platform that detracts from your goals. On the other hand, there may be some software that seems like it is exorbitantly priced, yet it may provide immense value to your organization.
Because of this, it is important to evaluate both the features that you receive and the price that you’ll be paying for those features. Looking at both sides of the coin will help you make the best decision going forward.
With that said, let’s take a look at Vidyard’s pricing structure.
Vidyard’s prices are based on several factors including usage, company size, and feature set. Its product is structured as a premium, enterprise-focused software as a service (“SAAS”) offering, so you need to keep this in mind as you are reviewing pricing.
Looking at Vidyard’s website, you can see that there are generally five different plans and levels of pricing. Specifically, there are four defined plans and one “custom solutions” plan.
The first level is the Free plan. This tier appears to be primarily for individuals that want to record, upload, and share all types of video content. Some of the features included in this tier include unlimited uploads and hosting, up to one hour of video recording, access to Vidyard’s screen and webcam recording tool, some simple video analytics, custom thumbnails, and SEO. To reiterate, this is a plan for individual creators. Because of this, it likely will not be sufficient for companies of any size.
The next tier is called the “Pro” plan. Again, this plan is specifically for individuals. However, Vidyard describes this plan as “for individuals to communicate better with customers and coworkers.” If you work for a small company, this could be a potential option for you. That being said, in most cases, you’ll probably want to look for one of Vidyard’s team plans (which will be discussed below).
But let’s get back to the Pro plan. As part of this tier, users can get everything that is included in the Free tier. Along with this, they can access things like multiple CTAs for their videos, replies to all of your videos, password protection, intro banners, and 20 embeds. In terms of video analytics, you get a few more features here, including video view counts and video performance insights. Finally, you get what Vidyard calls a “basic” level of video-sharing page customization. This includes the absence of Vidyard branding on your video action pages. The Pro tier comes out to $15 per month if you are billed annually. However, if you are paying month-to-month, the price comes out to $19 per month.
With those two individual tiers behind us, let’s move on and look at Vidyard’s team plans. The first team plan is appropriately called the “Teams” plan. Vidyard says that this Teams plan helps organizations “add video into your organization’s sales and marketing strategies.” You get all of the features in Vidyard’s Free tier and Pro tier along with some other features. For instance, as part of Vidyard’s Team plan, you get things like custom video sharing page customization, in-video CTAs, three users, custom branding, and full video analytics. You also can leverage features like folder organization, Zoom integration, manual captions, 50 embeds, CTA analytics, an analytics dashboard, and priority support. The Teams plan comes out to $300 per month and users are billed annually.
The fourth of the defined plans is called the “Business” plan. This is another team plan that comes with even more features for large teams that want to leverage the power of video in their daily work. As you would assume, the Business plan includes everything that is found in the Free, Pro, and Teams plans. Along with this, however, some of the key features you get include five users, fully customizable video CTAs, and CRM/MAP integration. Some of the other features that you can leverage include an uploader widget, automatic closed captions, 100 embeds, a scheduled video release, video expiry, video analytics reports, and a dedicated account manager. Ultimately, this plan is for larger businesses and the price comes out to $1,250 per month.
Finally, Vidyard offers an even higher tier called “Custom Video Solutions.” Custom Video Solutions are more of an ad hoc solution for companies that need even more to complete their video work. Vidyard doesn’t offer too many details about this tier. What we can see, however, is that users of this tier get things like unlimited embeds, security, team controls, and API access. They also get to leverage things like complete video security, flexible team controls, and assistance from the Vidyard team. Ultimately, there is some ambiguity in terms of pricing for enterprise clients. Vidyard doesn’t publicly advertise or display its enterprise pricing.
With all of that said, the pricing for Vidyard’s other plans is listed on the company’s website. If you are interested in becoming a Vidyard user, you will need to balance both the features you need and the price that comes with all of these plans.
A Vidyard Alternative: Dubb
This was just a quick tour of some of the features and price points that you’ll get from Vidyard. Vidyard is one of the larger companies in the video sales and marketing space, so you will want to take a look and see if the company offers the features and pricing for your needs.
With the basic features and pricing in mind, I want to transition and talk about Dubb. Dubb is another video sales and marketing tool that offers an extensive amount of features for users. While there are some similarities between both platforms, you’ll find that there are some key differences between Vidyard and Dubb. These differences may not seem like much on the surface, but they can play a big difference over the long term.
Consequently, let’s take a deep dive into some of these key similarities and differences. At the end of this exercise, you will have a much better idea of how these platforms differ, which will help you make a better decision between both products.
Some Key Similarities
We will begin by comparing the features that you can find on both platforms. There are more similarities than you may think.
For instance, let’s talk about detailed tracking and analytics. Like I said above, tracking and analytics are huge parts of creating effective video content. Whether you are trying to build better relationships with your current customers or convert interested prospects into paying customers, tracking and analytics can make your job much easier. With Dubb and Vidyard, you can easily see how your audience is reacting to your video content. You can track not only how many people have watched a specific video, but whether specific prospects have watched that specific video. This is an extremely powerful feature, especially if you are trying to convert a warm prospect into a paying customer. Whether you choose to become a Vidyard or Dubb user, make sure that you are taking advantage of these features.
Then, there is custom branding. With both Vidyard and Dubb, you can create custom videos and video action pages for virtually any of your needs. As you may or may not know, video action pages are central hubs for your video content. Instead of uploading a specific video to YouTube and competing against other video content on your video’s page, you can create a dedicated action page for each video. That action page can include things like your company’s logo and fonts. Because you are creating video content for a business audience, it is critical to include your company’s branding in both the video itself and your video action pages.
From custom branding, Dubb and Vidyard both offer team reporting. Team reporting is a great feature, as it lets you and your colleagues know how your videos as a whole are performing. While it is easy to focus on the process of creating one video and moving on, this team reporting feature can give you some key insights to keep you track toward your goals. They can keep you and your colleagues on the same page in your video marketing efforts.
Next, you can leverage Gmail and Microsoft Outlook extensions with Dubb and Vidyard. Through these Gmail and Outlook extensions, you can easily use both Vidyard and Dubb in your preferred email service. Taking a step back, these Gmail and Outlook extensions are part of a library of integrations that both platforms offer. These integrations make it much easier to use Vidyard and Dubb with the tools that you use every day. Whether you use the Gmail extension, the Outlook extension, or something else, these integrations and extensions can make you and your colleagues more productive.
What You’ll Find With Dubb
Those are just some of the similarities that you’ll find with both Vidyard and Dubb. Whether you choose Vidyard or Dubb, you will find these features to be pretty close to each other.
With that said, let’s move on to discuss some of the key features that you’ll find on Dubb. If you were to try both Vidyard and Dubb, you would see that the platforms offer different experiences. The best way to find out for yourself is to give both of them a try. However, if you don’t have the time to try both of them out, here is a quick primer on what you’ll get with Dubb.
Let’s get started.
A Focus on Sales
Upon using Dubb, you will notice that it contains plenty of features for sales professionals. Put another way, it has hyper-focused features that were specifically crafted to help you create videos for sales.
For instance, Dubb lets you leverage things like reply with video in order to build a genuine relationship with a lead. Reply with video is an extremely powerful tool. Simply put, upon sending an email message to a prospect, that same prospect can respond with a video of their own. That video can include everything from their general thoughts on your video to questions that they may have about your product or service.
One of the most powerful ways to use the reply with video feature is to obtain video testimonials. No matter the product or service that you are selling, you can make your job much easier by obtaining positive testimonials from your customers. As you likely know, testimonials are so powerful because your customers, rather than your organization, are touting your product or service. A testimonial signifies that a real-life person tried your product or service. Not only that, they were so satisfied with their experience that they took time out of busy schedules to praise that product or service.
Using Dubb, you can easily include a reply with video CTA below any of your videos. This makes it much easier for your audience members to record video testimonials. Instead of finding a time in your mutual schedules where you can sit down and record an interview, he or she can create the testimonial on their own time. That customer can easily send you the video, which you can then incorporate into your own marketing content. Instead of having your recipient scramble to find a way to record a video and send it through email, Dubb lets the recipient click one button, record a video, and send it back to you.
Dubb also lets you take advantage of things like exit-intent popups. When a user tries to exit your Dubb action video without clicking on your CTA, the user will see a pop-up containing your CTA and a brief description. An example of this is below:
You have probably interacted with exit-intent popups when visiting some of your favorite websites. You may find them annoying, but other visitors may take advantage of these popups. They give one last chance of engaging with your audience and generating a sale. Even if some members of your audience pass and immediately exit the popup, there may be some prospects that appreciate that second chance. You may even find one (or several) prospects that become paying customers after they interact with your exit-intent popup.
In the end, this feature is optional. You can pass on it entirely. However, it can be an extremely effective tool that you can use to increase your CTA conversion rate.
Calls to Action
With Dubb, you will also find plenty of calls to action. As I stated above, CTAs have been shown to dramatically increase conversions and sales. They provide a roadmap to your audience so they don’t need to think about traveling down your sales and marketing funnels. In other words, you make it much easier for your prospects to learn more about your product, company, and service, thereby making it more likely that they will become paying customers.
Because of this, you want to spend a good amount of time thinking about what you want your CTAs to be and how you can make it as easy as possible for users to follow those CTAs. There is a direct relationship between your work on CTAs and the number of sales that you generate from your video sales and marketing work.
With Dubb, you can easily create and program your CTA—regardless of your ultimate purpose.
Dubb offers you so many CTAs that you can leverage in your video sales and marketing work. Some of the many CTAs that you’ll find on the Dubb platform are included below:
- Downloading a white paper or eBook: This is a great CTA if you are trying to help a new prospect learn about your company. After that prospect watches an introductory video about your product or service, you can have them learn even more about your product, service, and company in a white paper or eBook.
- Scheduling a call on your calendar: You may create an extremely compelling marketing video that absolutely intrigues a certain prospect. In order to advance the relationship and get closer to a sale, you can include a CTA that lets that viewer directly book a call on your calendar. Instead of going back and forth to determine the best time, you can let your audience members find a time that suits both you and them.
- Communicate via Facebook Messenger: Some of your viewers may want to communicate with your company after watching a particular video. Having said this, they may not want to give away their phone number. Alternatively, they may prefer to communicate over text compared to phone. If this is the case, you can use Facebook Messenger to communicate with those viewers.
- Watch another video: Your CTA button can also lead your viewers to another one of your videos. This is a great way to help a certain viewer become even more interested in your product or service. Whichever video that you want to lead them to, you can easily do so by creating a CTA for that purpose.
- Make a purchase: Finally, this is one of the most exciting CTAs that you can leverage. If you believe that your audience is sold on your product or service, you can include a CTA button that lets those viewers immediately make a purchase. You’ll want to use this CTA sparingly. However, when you use it, you can quickly generate some sales through this CTA.
- And more!
If you consider CTAs to be a vital part of your sales and marketing strategy (which you arguably should), you will likely want to leverage Dubb’s CTA customization feature. These are just some of the many CTAs that you can include below your Dubb videos, so don’t hesitate to use them.
Now, let’s talk about customization. No matter the types of video content that you are creating, you’ll definitely want to customize it for your audience. After all, if you create a generic video and send it to any type of audience, you probably won’t get the results that you expect. On the other hand, if you create a customized video for your target audience, you’ll find that you develop better relationships and generate more sales.
Dubb and Vidyard offer you plenty of customization features for your videos. Better yet, with Dubb, you don’t need to be proficient in HTML and/or CSS to customize your video landing pages. All you need to do is drag and drop the features that you want to be included on that landing page. It makes it much easier and less time-intensive to create your video landing pages for all of your videos.
In the end, Dubb lets users have a tremendous amount of freedom in customization their videos and video landing pages. No matter the reason behind creating a specific type of video, you’ll definitely want to take advantage of Dubb’s customization features.
Mobile Apps
Both Vidyard and Dubb offer mobile apps. You can use these apps to record and share videos from your phone.
You can find the Dubb mobile app for iPhone by clicking here and for Android by clicking here. Upon opening the Dubb mobile app, you will see that it is extremely advanced. You’ll find features like the ability to splice multiple clips together, add text overlays, incorporate music into your videos, and more. Ultimately, there is more creative functionality within the Dubb mobile app. If you and your colleagues are set on creating stellar content when you are on the go, you’ll definitely want to take a look at the Dubb mobile app. You won’t regret it.
You will also find plenty of integrations on the Dubb platform. Yes, both Vidyard and Dubb have Gmail and Outlook extensions. While the integration landscape is always changing, all of us at Dubb are proud of the many integrations that we provide to our users. You can find a full list of our integrations by clicking here. No matter which tools that you use in your day-to-day work, you’ll probably find a Dubb integration with those tools.
To reiterate, integrations can make your life so much easier. Instead of needing to switch back and forth between Dubb and another program, you can use Dubb within that program. It saves you some of your precious time and makes it easier to focus on your work.
Distribution and Automation
Now, let’s spend a few moments talking about distribution and automation. Whenever we are discussing video sales and marketing, much of the discussion focuses on creating and editing video content. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. Without spending time on the content that you’re actually showing to your audience, you will immediately lose them. They will look down on the video that you created, and it’s more than likely that they’ll look down on your organization as a whole.
High-quality video content is a must. But along with this, you can’t forget about distribution. Distribution is a key element of any video sales and marketing strategy because it focuses on how your video content is getting in the hands of your audience. Without spending at least some time on this, you are going to find it really difficult to accomplish your sales and marketing goals.
With Dubb, you have the ability to send your videos to your audience. Specifically, Dubb has in-house marketing automation and CRM functionality. Whether you already have a CRM system that you like or want to use our internal system, you can be confident that all of your videos are getting to your audience members.
To kick things off, Dubb lets you build custom emails. Like building Dubb landing pages, building custom emails is through a drag and drop feature. You don’t need to know any HTML or CSS. Instead, you can simply take your mouse and design your emails the way that you want them to look. You can do things like include custom fonts, logos, social icons, and more. Dubb’s automation system also lets you import your own templates. If you already have a great custom email template that you want to use with your Dubb videos, you are free to use that.
With Dubb, you also get access to powerful, yet easy-to-use automation features. You can build simple or complex workflows to accomplish your specific sales and marketing goals. For instance, let’s say that you are sending an email to a group of new prospects. You can create a simple workflow where a specific follow-up email will be sent to prospects that click on a video link. You can even send out text messages as part of your automation workflow. If/then statements can also make it easier for you to send more targeted messages and interactions to specific cohorts of your audience.
Finally, with Dubb, you can take advantage of bulk sending. If you want to send a specific video email to thousands of people (or more), you can do so on the Dubb platform. Dubb lets you do all of this without having to rely on another software or other third-party tool.
Putting all of these features together, you can easily send your video content to virtually any type of audience. Whether you are sending a hyper-personalized video email to one key prospect or want to send a much more generalized video to a huge audience, Dubb gives you all of the tools that you need. Better yet, you can do all of this without having to actively send out these videos to your audience. Through Dubb’s advanced automation tools, you can easily distribute your video content when and where you want.
Ultimately, Dubb is a great option if you are a small or medium-sized business that doesn’t have a massive marketing budget. Dubb is a one-stop shop that lets you send all of your video content at scale.
Caira™ Virtual Assistant
Another awesome feature that you’ll find on the Dubb platform is the Caira™ virtual assistant. Caira, which stands for “Communication Artificial Intelligence Reaction Assistant,” is a tool that can help you become more persuasive in your video content.
You can create a business video in so many different ways. You can create a selfie video, interview a satisfied customer, or just film yourself exchanging ideas with your team. That being said, the overarching goal of a business video is to persuade your audience. It may be to learn more about your company or even make a purchase. At its core, however, you want to move your audience members from point A to point B.
Caira can help you with this task. Specifically, it is an artificial intelligence tool that provides helpful insights on improving your communication delivery, clarity, empathy, professionalism, positivity, and persuasiveness. Ultimately, with Caira, you can get a great sense of your communication style and effectiveness. Whether you think you are the world’s best communicator or recognize that there are plenty of areas for improvement, you can use Caira to make substantial improvements in your communication.
Caira comes into play once you upload your video content to the Dubb platform. Upon doing this, Caira goes to work. Once its analysis is complete, Dubb users like you can see granular data on your communication habits. This includes things like your repetition, cadence, filler words, positivity in your communication, persuasiveness, and empathy. You can even get alerts for any potential slang, profanity, or jargon that you use in a particular video.
Ultimately, you can use Caira in two separate ways. First, you can use it right after you have uploaded your video to Dubb. If you see that you aren’t using enough positive language in your video, for instance, you can make edits or shoot another take. Granted, this may not work for longer videos. But if you shot a quick, 30-second video for one of your prospects, you can take the feedback that you received from Caira and shoot another version.
The second way to use Caira is to shape your language for the long term. I think this is the most valuable way to use it. Caira can offer you plenty of insights that can shape your future videos. As just one example, if you’re noticing that you’ve been using less positive language in your prospecting videos, you can quickly include more positive language in your future videos.
Understanding how you communicate and refining your communication style can make a huge difference when communicating with any type of audience. It can help build trust with that audience and create those long-term relationships that lead to more sales.
Finally, we cannot conclude a discussion of Dubb without talking about pricing. Pricing is a huge variable when purchasing any type of software, so you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the most value for your money.
Dubb has several different tiers of pricing (which you can find here). Monthly fees range from $0 per month (for the free plan) to $80 per month for the “Pro Plus” plan. To learn more, let’s take a look at Dubb’s individual plans.
Going to the pricing page, you can see that Dubb offers plans in several different categories. Those categories are “Sales, Marketing & Comms,” “Internal & Support,” and “Teacher & Educator.” We are going to put the Teacher & Educator plan to the side for now, as it doesn’t apply to the majority of potential customers. The Sales, Marketing & Comms plans are the most equivalent to Vidyard’s plans. That being said, you may be interested in the “Internal & Support” category. The main difference here is that the plans within our “Internal & Support” category don’t contain Dubb’s marketing automation stack. This plan is essentially for support and internal communication. These plans start from free and go to $16 per month if billed annually in advance.
With that said, let’s talk about Dubb’s Sales, Marketing & Comms plans. Like Vidyard, you will see that there is a Starter tier that is free. As part of Dubb’s Starter plan, you get access to things like 10 gigabytes of storage, the Dubb mobile app, Dubb’s Chrome extension, and basic reporting. Like Vidyard’s free plan, you don’t get to include your own branding in this free tier. You will see Dubb’s logo and Dubb branding with your videos.
From this Starter plan, there is Dubb’s Pro plan. Dubb’s Pro plan is the best entry point for new Dubb users. With Dubb’s Pro plan, you get everything in the Starter plan, along with a few more features. For instance, you get unlimited storage and HD videos, your custom logo, subdomain and branding, 10,000 contacts, CTAs and playlists, advanced reporting, virtual backgrounds, and more. It really includes every type of feature that I discussed above. . This plan comes out to $32 per month if you are billed annually ($384 per year). However, if you want to subscribe to this plan on a month-by-month basis, it comes out to $40 per month.
Then, there is Dubb’s “Pro Plus” plan. This plan is well-suited for larger businesses that want to leverage everything that Dubb has to offer. The Pro Plus plan includes everything in the Pro plan. In addition, you get things like a dedicated account manager, phone support, 50,000 contacts, API access, and all types of customization (including custom integrations, email templates, and scripts). The Pro Plus plan comes out to $80 per month ($960 per year) if paid for one year in advance. If you want to pay monthly, the price comes out to $99 per month.
Finally, for larger organizations, you can take advantage of more comprehensive enterprise solutions (which you can see here). We understand that your company may have specific needs to complete your video sales and marketing work. If you need a more customized solution, we encourage you to contact us. We are excited to hear about your business and how you want to leverage the power of video in your daily work.
In the end, I believe that the landscape is clear here. No matter the size of your organization or your specific video goals, you will find a comprehensive and affordable plan on the Dubb platform.
The Verdict
Vidyard and Dubb are both SaaS platforms that can help you grow your brand with video. The discussion above included just some of the similarities and differences between both platforms. To get a real sense of both of them, it is helpful to try them yourself. Both Vidyard and Dubb offer free plans, so you can get a tangible sense of both products.
In today’s day and age, it is increasingly important to leverage video content in your sales and marketing efforts. Video connects with your audience on a deep level. It can help you build close relationships with current and prospective customers. Done right, these relationships can lead to extremely loyal and devoted customers. Simply put, this is an opportunity that you cannot ignore.
But having said this, you want to ensure that you are using the best tools when executing your video content strategy. Therefore, when deciding between Vidyard and Dubb, you want to think about both the value you will be receiving from each platform and the costs that you will be incurring to receive that value.
While we may be biased, we truly believe that Dubb offers you more bang for your buck—regardless of the size of your organization. At Dubb, we are constantly including new features to the platform (like the Caira Virtual Assistant) and are always looking for ways to offer the most competitive pricing. We are truly obsessed with video sales and marketing and can’t wait to help you leverage the power of video in your business.
If you would like to learn more about Dubb, click here. We also invite you to take advantage of a free trial of Dubb. To do so, click here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

[eBook] The Video Marketing Guide for Modern Business
Dubb is a video communication platform that lets users send personalized, trackable videos. The Dubb platform simplifies video sharing with a Chrome Extension, Outlook Add-In, mobile app and website that allow users to share and track screen and camera videos. Dubb offers a free 14-day trial with no credit required.
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