If you are a new or experienced business coach, you may be thinking about using video for business coaching. In this article, I want to share some effective tips and strategies that you can use when attracting new clients through video.
Ultimately, asking how you can use videos to get clients shows that you intuitively understand the power of video marketing. My colleagues and I at Dubb, love helping our clients leverage video marketing to accomplish their business goals. Especially in a field like business coaching, online video marketing can be an extremely effective way to connect with new prospects, move current prospects down your marketing funnel, and have your warmest prospects click the buy button.
Therefore, I want to take some time to share a strategy that lets you best leverage video for business coaching. By following the tips and suggestions below, we firmly believe that you will see real results when using video to find more clients.
Why Asynchronous Video is So Powerful in Generating New Business
Before describing the video for business coaching strategy itself, however, I want to take just a second to explain why an asynchronous video is so powerful in helping you find new clients.
In today’s world, it is harder to get people on the line in real-time. Our schedules have gotten so much busier, whether it is attending countless meetings within our organizations or protecting some precious personal time for our families. Because of this, getting prospective clients on a Skype or Zoom call can be quite time-consuming. Not only do they have to find time in their calendars, but there is a back and forth to settle on a mutually agreeable time.
The situation is different with the asynchronous video. With an asynchronous video, your prospective clients can watch your videos on their own time. If they’d like, your prospective client can also send a video back to you. This helps facilitate the in-person feel that you aspire in all of your marketing efforts, yet you can do so while respecting your prospects’ time.
Therefore, in the marketing strategy below, we are going to primarily rely on asynchronous video to get the job done. You don’t necessarily have to rely on it, however. As we will discuss, tools like Dubb can drastically facilitate real-time, face-to-face video communication. Nevertheless, we encourage you to leverage asynchronous video if you can do so.
Using Video to 2X Your Business
Now let’s get to the heart of it. We at Dubb have developed a seven-step process that can help you best use video for business coaching. While we can’t guarantee perfect results in every instance, we believe that this strategy can give you a great shot of supercharging your coaching business.
As with any video marketing strategy, the first step of this process is to determine a target audience. Truthfully, this is pretty obvious. Whether you are a new business coach or have been doing your work for some time, you likely already know who you want to take on as clients. If you still don’t have a good idea, I encourage you to spend a good amount of time wrestling with the question. You can find some helpful tactics by clicking here.
From settling on your targeted audience, you’ll want to determine your coaching method. Again, the chances are that you already have a good idea of what this is. Whatever it is, it may be helpful at this stage to write it down (if you haven’t already). Not only is it helpful for this strategy, but it will help you going forward with all of your other marketing strategies.
Third, you will want to create a library of training materials. Nothing is stopping you from creating training materials that are PDFs or other text-based documents. As you can guess, however, we at Dubb always rely on video content. Video is perfectly suited for training, as viewers can visually comprehend what you are trying to convey. You can even combine video and text by creating screengrab videos of your computer screen and your face. Ultimately, you will be posting these training materials to social media websites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, your website’s blog, and beyond.
Step four involves your business model as a business coach. Think about how you are selling your content. For instance, are you gating your videos (meaning that viewers can only watch your video after registering)? Are you selling reading materials or consultancy services? If so, how much revenue are you obtaining from each? Discover where all of your revenue is coming from and then think hard about how you can use video to sell all of these assets.
As just one simple example, let’s say that you are a business coach for side hustlers who want to leave their nine-to-five jobs. You may have created an online course on Udemy or Teachable to distribute some of your insights to a larger audience. With that online course representing 30 percent of your revenue, for instance, you can allocate a smaller amount of your video marketing budget to promoting that course. The majority of your marketing budget and time, however, should be focused on promoting your individualized coaching business, which brings in the biggest chunk of your income.
Ultimately, thinking about your business model and where most of your revenue is coming from can help you better leverage video to increase your sales.
The fifth step of this process is to never forget that it is always about selling. This is regardless of your industry or sector. Yes, you certainly want to make a difference in your clients’ lives. You want to help them accomplish their personal and professional goals. Nevertheless, being a business coach, you must recognize that you are still running a business and that business requires sales.
One of the best ways to get those sales is to send personalized videos to your hottest prospects. This will be game-changing for your business because you can provide the video content, visually pitch yourself, provide social proof, and offer a well-thought call to action. The overall goal is to get these warm prospects down your marketing funnel and into paying clients. Personalized video is one of the best ways to get you there, as it lets you leverage the visual and storytelling benefits of video.
The sixth step of this strategy is to get exposure for yourself. One of the many powerful things about online video content is that sharing is essentially frictionless. By placing your video content on social media platforms or your company’s website, both familiar and unfamiliar users can share, like, and comment on your video content. All of this builds up your brand equity, which can then be leveraged to attract and convert prospects down the road.
The seventh (and final) step of this strategy is to rinse and repeat. I encourage you to go through this process every day, week, and month. By doing so, you will see two encouraging things. First, you will see an overall brand lift. Your current audience and others in your sector will take notice of your expertise and how you are helping your clients. The second is revenue growth. Who doesn’t like that?
How Dubb Can Help
The strategy above can go a long way in helping you find new prospects, convert them into paying clients, and best use video for business coaching. Like I referenced earlier in this article, asynchronous communication can be the best option here. It helps you avoid missed calls and scheduling snafus. Instead, prospects can view your video content on their own time and decide to take further action as necessary.
But what if you still want to engage in real-time, face-to-face conversations with prospects? Dubb makes it easier to find a time that works for you and the warm prospect (or even a current client). All you need to do is leverage Dubb’s seamless calendar integration. With the Dubb platform, you can create a video, which will then be inserted onto an automatically created landing page. From there, you can select a call to action that lets viewers book a time on your calendar. Dubb integrates with nearly every calendar app out there, including Calendly and Book Like A Boss.
This way, you can connect with potential clients and current clients at times that work best for both of you. For instance, if you are giving video feedback on a recent coaching session, you can include the option for your client to seamlessly book their next appointment after watching your video. Essentially, tools like this let you spend less time on scheduling and other logistics and more time coaching your clients.
Dubb also lets your prospects and clients take advantage of video replies. Instead of typing out a long response to your video, your prospects and clients record a quick video from their webcam and send it back to you. After including this option in your video’s call to action, clients can record a video in just one click. Even better, those prospects or clients don’t even need to have a Dubb account. So long as you have a Dubb account and include the video reply feature in your call to action, your prospects and clients will be able to do so.
Another call to action that you can use to build your business involves forms. Once again, you can leverage this feature on the automatically generated video page from your Dubb video. The form can include everything from a viewer’s basic contact information to more detailed questions about the coaching they are seeking. This can be a great way to get new clients, as you can gather granular details about prospects which you can then leverage in a personalized video.
Finally, you can manage all of these features through Dubb’s new mobile app. Along with that, the mobile app contains awesome new editing features that you can use to create and edit videos on-the-go. This is especially useful if you are away from your desk (or even traveling) and want to record a video for your clients or prospects.
Using Video to Get Clients
The coaching business can be quite competitive. In all likelihood, you are competing with other business coaches who are trying to convert similar (or even the same) prospects. Because of this, it is in your interest to invest in tools or strategies that can maximize your chances of converting warm leads into paying clients.
The strategy outlined above can go a long way in helping you best leverage video for business coaching. While it may take some time to implement, it can be extremely effective. By not being afraid to sell and by consistently providing value to your audience, you will be well on your way to 2X’ing your coaching business.
My Dubb colleagues and I enjoy helping business coaches use the power of video to get more clients. If you have questions about anything discussed in this article, don’t hesitate to contact me. Also, if you are interested in learning about Dubb and how it can help your coaching business, feel free to click here.