YouTube Marketing for Business Leaders

Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:

– Youtube Marketing

– Business Leaders

– Dubb Features

– Video Marketing

– Creation

– Distribution

– Promotion

Want a consultation like this for your business? Book a time at here.

Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.

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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)

Speaker 1:
and we are live. What’s up, guys? It’s Reuben
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here on dubs podcast connection loop. I have Owen video with me
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is video your real last name? Did you change your name? I’m gonna ask you questions like that, but we’re also gonna get into YouTube marketing for business and how we create how we promote how we distribute the whole the whole Gavin. So let’s let’s get into this. You obviously have some expertise through studio here.
Speaker 1:
You got the gear you’ve got the branding talk to so in.
Speaker 0:
Yeah. Yeah. Well, my my original last name is not Owen Video. In fact, they changed our family name like so many Americans when we came across the border,
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My great great grandfather Oh, in newspaper had it
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had it changed it at Ellis Island. So that’s that’s the big choke.
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You know, what happened was I actually was honored to to be recognized as California’s entrepreneur of the year. This was like, three years ago, four years ago, and I would recognize his entrepreneur of the year in the State of California,
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which I didn’t even know liked entrepreneurs. That’s that’s really interesting. And when I went to go get my award. They just butchered my last name. So this guy’s like, tryingto Owens have happened well, but
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it was like, Here’s my big moment. My big moment. I flew my best in my my best friend in From Santa to Sacramento. And we like we’re there, We’re looking sharp. I’m in the back of the room and I’m ready to make my entrance, you know? And And he butchers my last name
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and then brings up another guy. Oh, you’re my last name. And so I just kind of walked up.
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was a slaughter. Yeah. Yeah, it was brutal. And so that’s when I, um, picked up a heavy drinking habit. No, I’m kidding. I’m kidding. I don’t I’m half trying to make my my, uh uh you know, my team lap in your But, you know, that’s when I decided I would change my last name. I would make it easier. And I’ve been making video since I was eight years old. And so on video seemed like the right way to go.
Speaker 1:
I’m in, man. I’m sold. So that’s awesome. So you’re obviously doing this a lot more than many of us.
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It’s an enigma. you know, the algorithms are changing
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constantly. You know what works on YouTube? What’s the length? And we do 10 minute videos to be the two minute videos. Do we go weekly? Do we go daily? There’s so many questions that people have.
Speaker 1:
You know, I explore this topic a lot. We have been. I’ve been personally created videos for probably maybe 2020 25 years now. And I had become a unique opportunity to goto a film school, a really short kind of six month program that kind of learned some chops on. And that was about 10 years ago, and I realized everything I learned was kind of irrelevant. Had
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relearn everything every single year. And now I have this great team that supports the initiative in the staff
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in the whole kind of effort. But
Speaker 1:
give us the breakdown like, let’s start with with creation. Like what? What can you recommend from a creation perspective? What’s our voice is our brand.
Speaker 0:
Yeah, I mean, I think it depends on what your goals are. You know what I mean? Youtube is a platform that will make you into the celebrity of your industry. Over. They liked what it did Grant Cardone for real estate.
Speaker 0:
What it did, uh, you know, Dan, lock for business owners and entrepreneurs and even peut pie for gamers. Right? You do? Well, isn’t
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he the number one or two YouTube right now?
Speaker 0:
Yeah. I think number one is tea. Siri’s right now. There’s a lot, you know, But even Joe Rogan, who is somebody that I really look up to and admire as a broadcaster, is the fifth most watched
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YouTube channel out there right now. You know, he kind of goes back and forth with some other some other channels, but
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that probably has a lot to do with the fact that he’s got our law. Three hour long streams,
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three hour long programs. But here’s the thing is that any one of us you and I could easily go three hours. But are people watching us for the entire three hours? Even if somebody watches you for one hour of the three hour presentation? You know, that’s something that you have to really ask yourself. Do you have the chops for that? And do you want industry celebrity, right? If you’re in this place where you’re sort of a local business owner, you know? And you want to generate leads from YouTube, right? And if you don’t get leads today, your business is going to star. Well, I’m not sure that you two would be the best choice for you right now, Okay, because YouTube is a platform designed to sort of weed out the I need to get business today, people. Right. That’s I think that’s where Facebook life comes in. And I think that’s where you know, maybe some direct sales sort of comes in and postcard advertising in some of those old World models.
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But But YouTube is a place where, you know, if you wanted dominate your industry and B recognized as the authoritative