Why are Emails marked as Suspicious or Spam?

Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:

– Causes

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– Email Marketing

– Video Marketing

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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)

Speaker 0:
um, we’re here, and I just just got briefly describe that the issue we were talking about. Andi, let’s get right into it.
Speaker 1:
Yeah. So, um, I
Speaker 1:
have been getting from complaints from clients or potential clients that have been sending emails to that say when they open up
Speaker 1:
my emails. Now, on this just started happening, I guess maybe about a week or so ago,
Speaker 1:
they’re getting a message. Basically saying, Like, be careful, uh, this message may have not come from John Foster. Something like that. Uh, at the same time, I also noticed a decline in my Dubb interactions.
Speaker 1:
Um, or activity has dropped significantly. When I’m sending out e mails I used to get, like, several people, several opens, and then a lot of 100% watch rates. And now it looks like people are may open it, and if they do, they don’t. They don’t want t o.
Speaker 1:
It was leading me to believe they may be getting that.
Speaker 0:
Yeah. Okay, so let’s take a look at that. All right? So this could be a pretty complex issue. There’s. There’s a number of reasons that will often occur or not often occur, But why can occur. One is if you are, you have more than one domain. If you have more than one email provider or email that you use to communicate with people and you’re using, not seen email to communicate with that same person are sorry that each different email to communicate that will have potential to trigger that suspicious email message. Because what’ll happen, sometimes it’s safe. You and I are communicating through my various a Dubb email, and there is some person like a spoof ER or someone who’s fraudulent activities. They’ll have various at Dubb dot video dot email or, you know, whatever some very risky, no close to mine. And they open a conversation with you because they’re trying to fish information from you, and they’re using an email close to mind. So this is more really common in things like financial industries and where it’s sensitive, information and financial data is being transferred back and forth. That’s where people are spoofing their emails and trying to, you know, Hey, look, I’m you and the email looks so familiar that people don’t recognize and that’s why Gmail says, a casino looks like somebody that you’re talking to. But It’s not their email, and it’s just giving you them at night message. So that’s usually the most common reason why that happens. So say, if you have let me ask you this. Do you have an email or more than one email you used to communicate with with clients? Or is there primarily one thing? Are you?
Speaker 1:
If I have a couple of e mails that I used primarily one that I used to communicate with a client so and I am in the insurance industry, So
Speaker 0:
Okay, okay. Yeah. And so is this through your or you’re using, like, a copy and paste function? Are you sending me? He knows directly through Dubb as, like, a broadcast. What? What methodology you’re using to send these out?
Speaker 1:
Ah, a little of both. I use copy and paste. But then I also, um yeah, used. I think a lot of times there’s a video that I created because I’m recruiting and it explains of the company and the opportunity and things of that nature. It’s like recorded that in Dubb.
Speaker 0:
is and
Speaker 1:
then I’m sending out,
Speaker 1:
uh, that or an email to my contacts. Um
Speaker 1:
What? End up. I’m uploading or putting the contact information and, uh,
Speaker 1:
give me and then sending out that specific video
Speaker 0:
to exactly right. That might be a situation. There are these people in the same insurance company. Is you? Are they under the same kind of umbrella or what is that network relation you have there?
Speaker 1:
So these are people who have requested more information from, like, zip recruiter or another website like,
Speaker 0:
Okay, so they’re not related to your network home there. There are currently No, you could Okay, right? Yeah. Okay, so So let me think here. That that first reason that I mentioned is, you know, the duplicate e mails. That’s the most common thing. But seeing as you’ve never So you’re saying there’s no contact previously with these people? This is the first time you’re reaching out to them and sending a video through the campaign tool for the up. And then those those people are the ones reporting back this suspicious email message.
Speaker 1:
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 0:
Okay. And it is happening in any other instances, like you’re 1 to 1 sense. Or do you kind of have a clear picture of where they’re coming from? Is it from the campaign tool or the one that wants
Speaker 1:
it things to be from the campaign tools. I’m not 100% sure, but I haven’t had any complaints on the 11 welcome words here.
Speaker 0:
And so when you’re sending out the campaign to what emailed you have configured to Dubb, is it the same e mail you’re using to send your 1 to 1 videos?
Speaker 0:
Yes. So it is it, like a genial or what do you think? It’s a female? Yeah. Is it your own custom domain? Like, is it at all or that at Gmail?
Speaker 0:
Okay, so that may also be a knish. You two is the APP gene L