Here’s the transcript

Sale 50% off sitewide. Hey, I’m Reuben from Dub, a video sharing
platform for business. Since we started, we have helped thousands of people
in sales, marketing and other fields communicate ideas more effectively
with video. We have also used video to drive our own growth growth.
Along the way, we have discovered nine essential tips and tricks
for using video to drive sales. These tips will help you boost sales,
hit aggressive growth goals, and do so all with a limited budget.
First it was the streets, then it was the papers, then it was online.
Now video is just content that people need. Man step one make
a personal connection with your Prospects making a personal connection
with your prospects can sound like a daunting task.
It’s important to make videos that speak to the gatekeepers, decision makers
and evangelists. Start by creating webcam videos of yourself
to let people get to know you on a personal level. Address their pain
points and their goals and show that you can relate. Always follow up with
actionable solutions. Provide value from the beginning and do not
be too aggressive. That turns people off. When I connect with someone on the
phone, they’ve already opened a couple of emails from me. Well, it’s actually you.
I’ve seen a couple of your videos and so I feel like I know you
already. It’s like me being in a thousand different places at once, making introductions,
time to actually do connect with them. That leads already warmed up and they have
this impression of me as like this kind of celebrity builds you up as
your own brand. That’s the power of video. Step Two know your competition.
What are your competition’s offerings? How do they compete? A complete understanding
of the competitive landscape can help guide the videos that you
create. It’s effective to share screen recordings to show the value
of your product or service. That being said, don’t be too focused
on beating the competition on features and price. It’s always better
to show value based on commitment and customer service, proving with
words and actions how much you actually value the client. You don’t
want to get into that field where you’re doing this head to head comparison feature
by feature. When you do get hit with a question from someone, they’re like,
well, did you know that your competitor does this? Knowledgeable of your competition and your
answers really quick comes right out and you’re like, Yeah, they do that, but we
do this. Step Three communicate your value proposition.
Clearly, video is a powerful communication tool, but long winded
videos can cause disinterest and boredom. Boost engagement by spending
the time to refine your value proposition with a focus on maximizing
clarity growth process, what is the biggest mistake that they can make?
They don’t know how to talk about the product biggest mistake. You having a great
product and you have a great team and you don’t know how to distill
it. Develop the product but you’re not developing the brand narrative. Use multiple
videos to test different variations and get feedback from colleagues
and friends. Instead of reading a long list of features, speak from your heart and
communicate the top level benefits. Having a kind of clear concise
value profits. It’s really beneficial when you have a little bit more personalization.
So if you’re able to kind of tailor your value prop based on a conversation
you had with someone that’s really going to have, I think, the highest chance of
connecting with them and they’re going to feel like, okay, he’s speaking directly to me.
Step Four the gold is found in the follow up. Send different types
of videos on specific channels to follow up with previous communication.
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a response from your first follow up.
Persistence on all channels will set you apart. So I was talking to this business
owner, this guy on LinkedIn reached out to him with a video. He was like,
Yeah, no, I’m not interested. But then he opened his email and there
was another video from the same guy with a different message and it just kind
of blew him away. He’s like, Wow, this guy is on all channels with video.
I know who he is now. I know what he looks like vested into both
that guy’s product and our own. Don’t be afraid to prospect on all channels.
Make sure you always bring value to the prospect. Do your research
and connect with them on a personal level. Video follow ups are
great for a one to one basis, but here’s a more nuanced strategy for
B to B if you haven’t heard from an important lead that you connect with
on email, create a general video on LinkedIn and mention them in
the comments. This creates an optin environment where your contact then
makes the decision to pick up the conversation. And if they don’t respond to you,
at least you have an asset on LinkedIn that other people can see.
Step Five scale Face to Face Connections it’s not
always easy to meet people face to face. If you can’t meet in person,
then let them see your lifestyle by publishing videos to your personal
channels that document your life in an accessible way.
Make videos of you with your team members, family at work and doing
real life stuff. This allows people to connect with you on a personal
level, not a buyer to seller level. That personal connection leads
to sales and word of mouth marketing for your business.
Step Six create social content that gets people’s
attention. Make sure to cultivate a broader audience. Building an audience
creates opportunities for the acquisition and nurturing of prospects
to conversion. Tutorial videos can show that you are knowledgeable and that
you’re not afraid to share your insights. It’s helpful to position yourself
as a consultant, a guide and advocate. Become a
teacher as much as possible. Show them what is changing in their industry
and share emerging and established best practices. Step Seven
provide Social Proof Sharing video testimonials is
a proven method of increasing conversions. Video creates
a human connection that text testimonials cannot provide.
When your audience watches a video that showcases users who
have succeeded with the help of your solution,
that builds trust, intrigue and fear of missing
out. Use Dub’s Reply with Video feature to easily gather video testimonials
with Dub, it’s easy to enable video replies directly from a video landing
page. Your recipients don’t even need to install anything.
One click and they can record a video testimonial directly from their
webcam or phone. Professionally produced testimonials are nice to
have, but they don’t always feel as personal. Start with testimonials
your clients can record themselves. This creates an authentic context which creates
an emotional impact. Social proof can come in many forms.
It could be testimonials, it could be use cases, it could be trust badges.
It could just be simply people using your product or service.
Figure out ways to capture that proof in video format and let other people
see it. The results will be staggering. Step Eight close
Deals once they have committed to trying out your product or service,
create a clear path to the finish line. Create a video that
confidently asks them to close the deal. Rely on videos early in your
funnel to build up those relationships just before the deal is closed.
It’s another really valuable offer video. We had a great conversation with someone recap
that in a video and send it to them, because then they can share that
with the ultimate decision makers or anyone else who might have some input on that
decision. When creating your bottom of funnel videos, don’t be afraid
to go for the ask. Be mindful of people’s time.
Make your videos concise and easily digestible.
Boost conversions by adding a call to action to your video landing page.
This will allow prospects to fill out a form, pay online or even sign a
contract. Step Nine make Your Clients Evangelists once
you have seen lift to your sales from using video, your process
is still not complete. Get your users to create videos using your
product and encourage them to share those videos on social media.
Your best marketers are your clients. Get them to fall
in love with your product, fall in love with you and evangelize value
that you provide to other people. Make your clients evangelist by offering incentives
for them to share videos on how they get value from your offerings.
This builds a network of people who are passionate about your product and are
willing to share their experiences with the world. I hope you can use
these tips to use video to boost your sales and build excitement around
you and your brand. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channels
to get more videos like this one.
And if you can understand why the psychology, why they buy you
can predict when and if they buy. So I’m here with Jesse,
who’s a very accomplished writer and professor of writing
as well. Let you do your own intro. Yeah, that was perfect for salespeople
were marketers. We’re brand builders. I mean, what are some actionable
tips that you can provide to us that we can start doing today without
spending a lot of money? Yeah, absolutely. You need updates, daily updates
of something new. This product that I have, something new is coming,
something new has happened. And that new thing doesn’t have to be a whole new
hardware or software program. It’s just a small thing. We’ve added a different color.
We brought one person onto the team that is an expert in this. So just
showing that you care enough to not be stagnant,
you’re not trying to be static because you know that your customers aren’t
stagnant. How do we incorporate the human touch but rather making a
video for your brand and just putting slogans and just putting like a bunch of
words and pictures and facts. Yeah, that’s helpful, but if you
can even just have one person saying those things, that little
touch is really going to up the human factor, which is really
going to play in the psychology of making sales. Playing to the ego.
What do you mean by that, playing to the ego? Playing to the ego is
when you are trying to get a customer, you should be
trying to play to their ego. So somehow you’re making them feel
like they’re keeping a promise or they are helping the
world or they’re donating to charity. So what they are
buying is somehow also making them feel good as
a person. So it’s not just the emotional connection to what they
want personally, but it’s a greater emotional connection to something
outside of themselves that makes them feel like they could say
to another person, well, when I bought these shoes,
they donated another pair of shoes to somebody else.
Ego has this connotation of being this arrogant bad thing.
But the truth is we all need a little affirmation from time to time
that it’s not just about us, it’s about other people. So when
we buy something, we like to feel that we are helping someone
else by doing that scarcity limited edition. The scarcity
principle, as I’m sure you know as a marketer, is the idea that the
more limited edition or exclusive something is, the more
people will feel compelled to buy it because they think it’s a scarce resource.
You’re aware of the tragedy of the commons? I’ve heard that before,
yes. The tragedy of the commons is mostly an economic term,
but it’s also sustainability term. It applies to everything in life
is the idea that let’s say we have two cows
and we have three families living in one community. First family goes in
and say, I can’t think of my family, I can’t think of these others.
So they take one calcer themselves rather than working together.
There was a fear of the scarcity of the resource,
and so they took it for themselves, not thinking about how it would
impact others. So that’s a tragedy of the common. But scarcity principle
plays into that. This fear that something is scarce. You grab it
before it can go away. So if you can somehow make your
product seem limited edition, exclusive,
or scarce, there’s only one left of these. Hurry before it
runs out and up the chances of someone buying. Yeah, there’s a
lot of integration on ecommerce experiences where they
show that limited supply, problem solving. So you got to show
that you understand their pain point. You don’t just say,
I understand your pain. You literally show, this is exactly what’s
wrong. Right. The step one, step two, step three. I fully understand.
What’s the problem? What problem exactly are you trying to
acknowledge and address? Lay that out. Show them.
I know how frustrating it was when you couldn’t do this on your phone.
It sucked when you didn’t have emoji. Show how frustrating it was for you,
and then show exactly how you fix that, because again,
that’s going to make them feel like you understood me. I can trust
you. So be a problem solver.
Sometimes companies will only point out the problem.
So, oh, this was missing and this was a problem. Buy our product.
But they don’t say exactly how their product will fix the problem.
So that’s usually the missing connection. Got it. We talked about
scarcity, we talked about human touch, we talked about problem solving,
being honest. I know there was a lot, but there’s so much behind
what makes someone decide to buy. And if you can understand why
the psychology wasn’t they buy, you can predict when and if they’ll buy.
So using video for sales is actually really easy. All you have to do is
get one of these cameras and put some film in it and just
hit record.