Ted and TedX talks are some of the most insightful and interesting things on the Internet today. No matter your interests, I’m sure that you’ll find talks that pique your curiosity. Just like the talks themselves, the actual process of becoming a speaker and delivering a compelling speech is fascinating in its own right.

To learn more about becoming a TedX speaker, we are happy to share our interview with Manu (Swish) Goswami. Swish is a serial tech entrepreneur, founding companies like Trufan. But along with his entrepreneurial prowess, Swish is a three-time TedX speaker. Swish has a commanding presence on stage, and he has developed these impressive speaking skills all before turning 25.

In his conversation with Dubb founder Ruben Dua, Swish gave a masterclass on becoming a TedX speaker. Some of the topics discussed in this outstanding interview included Swish’s work as an entrepreneur, how he got involved with TedX, how you can become a TedX speaker and the importance of hard work both in your career and in becoming a TedX speaker. It’s a great discussion that we’re confident you will enjoy.

Want to learn more from Swish about how to become a confident and effective TedX speaker? The story continues at dubb.com.

Watch the full Livestream episode here:

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