No matter the product or service that your company is selling, you need to think about public relations. You must come up with a plan to get media attention for your company—both now and in the future. But how can you realistically do that? In this episode of Connection Loop, Dubb founder Ruben Dua sat down to discuss public relations with Gary Frisch. In this episode, you’ll hear a variety of insights, including the following: 

  • Journalists’ inboxes are inundated. This is especially true if they decide to publicly release their email addresses. So how can you stand out from the crowd and get your message to your targeted journalists? One great strategy is to find mutual contacts. While that may limit the amount or type of journalists that you initially contact, this is a great way to get closer to your PR goals. After all, public relations is all about relationships and relationship building.   
  • If you don’t have personal relationships with journalists, another great way to get on their radar is to use creative subject lines. This is a completely free way to stand out in journalists’ inboxes. Granted, this will require some trial and error. It may not work every time. But if you don’t have many relationships with journalists, this can be a good place to start. 
  • It’s important to recognize that journalists are extremely busy. Not only are they listening to pitches like yours, but they are doing their daily work of reporting. Now, they even have to go one step further and become bloggers, photojournalists, and multimedia journalists. Because of this, you can add value by easing their workload. Whether you are providing a story tagline, throughline, or something else, you will gain some significant attention if you provide value in this way.  
  • Ultimately, you may need to be patient when pitching to journalists. They may be extremely busy or simply uninterested in your story. If that happens, don’t give up. You need to be tenacious to put on a good public relations marketing campaign. Even if you face some initial failures (which you likely will), don’t give up. Keep at it.  
  • Journalists aren’t looking for self-promotional material. If you are solely focusing on what you are doing and the features that you’re providing, you won’t get much traction. Instead of that, focus on a bigger trend that you are part of. By linking your product, company, or service with that trend, you will find it easier to pitch journalists.  

This is a great episode if you are searching for a better way to get publicity for your business. Whether you are trying to pitch a journalist or are trying to prepare for your next major interview, you can learn a lot from this conversation. Enjoy the episode! 

Gary Frisch is the president of Swordfish Communications. Swordfish Communications is a full-service public relations firm that utilizes best public relations practices to generate great media coverage for its clients. Gary is also a writer and former journalist. Ultimately, Gary has extensive experience in the public relations sector (around 32 years) and has plenty of tips for anyone that is looking to get more out of their public relations work.  

Want to learn more from Gary about giving your business the edge with public relations?

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