Have you been searching for a way to better capitalize on visual storytelling in your business? Or have you been thinking about visual storytelling, but don’t know where to start?

At Dubb, we love helping our community use visual storytelling to grow and scale their businesses. It is why we are so excited about becoming the Sales Operating System for all types of companies. At the same time, however, it can be difficult (or even intimidating) to get started. There are plenty of reasons not to get started, whether it is the fear of being on camera or being preoccupied with other tasks at work.

To help make the job easier, I’m really excited to share a conversation that I had with Nina Froriep. Nina is the owner of Clock Wise Productions. She has been a Dubb client for some time now and has an interesting background related to production and storytelling. As a video coach and a communications expert, she has over 30 years of experience making films and sharing compelling stories. Coming from the “do it yourself” side and the larger production side, Nina has plenty of value to share with us. 

In a recent online meeting of the Dubb Partners Program, Nina spoke about a variety of topics, including why visual storytelling is so effective, some of the challenges in creating video content, her “Four C’s” of video content creation, why service providers should pay very close attention to video, and more. It was a great conversation and one that can inspire all types of content creators. Whether you are just getting started with visual storytelling or are looking to take your visual storytelling skills to the next level, Nina has some outstanding insights that can accelerate our business.

Key Takeaways

I invite you to listen to the entire conversation by clicking here. With that said, I wanted to offer some of the key takeaways that you will get from Nina’s remarks. Let’s jump into it.

It Has Never Been a Better Time to Be a Creator

Throughout history, humans have been leveraging visual storytelling. From the earliest stories shared around the campfire, we are hardwired to pay close attention to the visuals in our life. In fact, according to one study, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Biologically speaking, there is an extremely good case for us to capitalize on visual storytelling in all of our businesses.

Along with this, as humans, we are conditioned to connect with other faces. We buy from other people, not from animation, a graphic, or text. No matter who your prospect or customer is, they want to buy from you. They buy because they are connecting with you (or another member of your team). 

The good news? It has never been a better time to be a visual storyteller. Now, we are living in an all-digital world. Covid-19, as terrible as it was for our society, accelerated this trend toward a digital-first society. We spend a substantial part of our day looking at screens and communicating with others over the Internet. Not only that, but there are plenty of tools (like Dubb) that can make it that much easier to create great video content. In the end, video is the next best thing to help us connect versus connecting with someone in-person. 

video storytelling

In the old days, to create video content, you had to spend lots of money and go out into the world. Maybe you would have needed to hire actors or shoot your video on expensive sets. Now, the odds have shifted in favor of the creator. To create compelling video content, you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home or office (although it can be a good idea). All you need to do is pull out your smartphone, start recording, and speak to the camera. 

As Nina said, anyone with a smartphone in their back pocket has a full-fledged studio at their disposal. Her clients work strictly with smartphones and rely on a very minimalist approach to creating video content. Nina sometimes allows her clients to use a tripod when recording video with their smartphones. Beyond that, however, it’s just the creator and their smartphone. Natural light is usually sufficient to create a video that looks great. In the end, simplicity is often the best thing. You don’t need to spend hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on equipment to tell compelling stories. You can get started right now. Exciting, right? 

Overcoming One of the Key Barriers to Visual Storytelling

With this empowering message in mind, a key question emerges. Simply put, why isn’t everyone doing this? 

As Nina said, when she got started, she had to help her clients overcome several issues when embracing visual storytelling. At first, she was worried about helping her clients shoot videos of themselves when she wasn’t in the room with those clients. After solving that problem, she determined that the next big problem was teaching people how to edit without being in the room with them. In response, she helped her clients come up with ways to easily shoot short, snappy, and compelling video content. “Editing” there simply meant spending three to five minutes trimming a few videos and affixing the client’s logo to the video. 

From there, however, Nina discovered one key factor that is holding many people back from creating awesome video content. That variable? The fear of speaking on camera. Specifically, there are two fears. The first fear is not being young, skinny, or pretty enough to be on camera. The second fear is relating to “not sounding good” on camera. Essentially, the fear is that the speaker isn’t “intellectually up to par” when speaking on camera to a specific audience. So while Nina helps her clients learn how to shoot, edit, and create binge-worthy content, the mindset part of content creation has become a huge part of what she does. 

The great news? Nina has plenty of evidence that once you show up on video, you show up for your business. While there are plenty of different ways to become more confident speaking on camera, the best way to get more confident is to simply get started. It’s almost as if there is a chicken and an egg problem here. On one hand, getting in the habit of recording video content makes you more confident. On the other hand, you need to have at least some confidence to take that first step and record your first video. One great way to break through this is to record private videos for yourself. You don’t even need to release that video into the world. Instead, what you can do is record a brief video on your smartphone, watch the playback, and simply delete it. It’s a great way to get started—even if that video isn’t helping you generate sales right this second. 

In the end, it gets much easier once you get in the habit of leveraging visual storytelling. The best time to get started is right now. Even if you are feeling some of those doubts or trepidations about creating video content, I really encourage you to just start clicking the record button. We all have a face for video because we have a face for real life. By taking that one initial step, you will be well on your way to capitalizing on visual storytelling.

At Dubb, we like to say that “the personal is the professional.” You don’t need to be so straight-laced and “perfect” when you are creating your video content. With this understanding in mind, a huge amount of pressure can be lifted from your shoulders. You just have to go out there and get started. Even if you make mistakes while recording, your mistakes can ultimately help you make a better connection with your viewers. 

Why Service Providers Should Especially Embrace Video

Video storytelling is important for essentially every type of business. Video helps you get closer to your audience, overcome any objections that individual prospects may have, and even grow customer relationships after they make their initial purchases. It really can be your killer app as you work to grow and scale your business. 

At the same time, Nina argued that video is especially important for service providers. There are plenty of reasons why, but there is one critical reason. Essentially, as a service provider, you are the product. It’s easy to see why. If you run a bakery or a bike store, for instance, you have products to show to your prospects and customers. You are in the business of selling the best baked goods and bicycles that you can. In other words, in all likelihood, the success or failure of your business is going to turn on the quality of the product that you sell. 

On the other hand, let’s talk about service businesses. If you are an accountant, lawyer, business coach, or any other type of service provider, you are the product that you’re selling. Your client or customer is investing in you to help them create some type of value in their lives. 

Because service providers are in the business of themselves, there is a huge advantage to investing in video content. By leveraging video storytelling, you can build real, authentic relationships with members of your audience. Since your audience will be investing in and buying from you, building that trust helps you accelerate toward a long-term, healthy, and profitable relationship. 

Even better is the fact that your videos can be simple. They can be as simple as so-called “talking head” videos, where you pull out your smartphone, hit record, and start talking to the camera. Occasionally, you can record and send a “screengrab” video, which is basically a recording of your screen with your profile in one corner. Screengrab videos are great ways to explain or answer frequently asked questions about your service or business. 

Ultimately, whichever type of video that you choose to record, make sure that you are taking advantage of video content. If you are a solopreneur or work for a smaller service company, you can get immense value from recording yourself and sharing your videos with the world. Your future self will thank you. 

Video for Software Sales

The Four Cs 

At Dubb, we are always thinking about our “Three Cs.” Those Three Cs are connections, conversations, and conversions. Whether you are trying to win over that A-list prospect or simply trying to build your brand in your chosen niche, we are constantly building tools to help you accomplish your goals. 

When speaking with Nina, she also mentioned that she leverages several “Cs” when helping her clients. Specifically, she has “Four Cs.” Those Four Cs are consistency, community, confidence, and clarity. 

From day one, Nina has been talking about consistency. As with most things in our lives, if we don’t stick with things (even if they are difficult), our work isn’t going to amount to much. It’s like brushing your teeth. If you brush your teeth just once per month or many times for one month (while ignoring the next two months), you aren’t going to have great oral hygiene. Therefore, if you’re not posting consistent video content on social media, you are more likely to fall short of your goals. 

Now, let’s talk about community. Frankly, it’s hard to start creating that habit of consistently creating video content. It is a multi-step habit, and throughout that process, it is easy to fall off. That said, doing this in a community where others are making and posting awesome video content makes it more likely that you will do the same. You not only get the support to create your own compelling video content, but you also are held accountable. Your peers in your community are eagerly awaiting for you to release video content of your own, so you certainly don’t want to disappoint them. This subtle pressure is all too real and it can help you get out of your shell and continue to make awesome videos. 

Then, there is inspiration. Seeing everyone else’s content on a weekly basis can give you ideas for your own content. For instance, you may see that one of your peers creatively used vertical videos to share a particular story. You can borrow elements from that video to create a personalized video of your own. Ultimately, once you are in a positive, inspiring group like this, ideas and conversations keep coming. You build and maintain momentum, which helps you create even more compelling videos for your audience. 

Clarity is another important “C.” Simply put, if you aren’t clear on what you are offering or who you are selling to, you are going to have a muddled message. A muddled message is extremely dangerous. While it may feel like you’re making progress in building connections with your audience, your audience isn’t going to connect with you. This is true even if your videos look visually awesome. No amount of technology or production quality is going to help if you aren’t clear on your message. Ultimately, a muddled message leads to lost sales and dissatisfied audience members. Always think about how you can make your message clearer when you are leveraging visual storytelling.

Finally, there is confidence. We already discussed confidence in the section above. Having the confidence to show up on video, both intellectually and physically, can be challenging for some of us. It’s so easy to get stuck in our own heads and focus on our shortcomings. Even though it may be natural to do this, Nina encourages us to resist this temptation. Get out there and start creating video content—even if you are nervous or intimidated. The most effective way to get started is to simply get started.  

These Four Cs are an important part of creating consistent, high-quality video content. Nina encourages you to keep them in mind as you are proceeding on your video content journey. 

Know Yourself

This is a great piece of advice in so many aspects of life. At the same time, knowing yourself when creating video content is absolutely huge. 

There are plenty of different types of video content that you can create. From single-camera talking head videos to longer, more detailed presentations, you have an immense amount of opportunity at your fingertips.   

For starters, Nina encourages content creators to take a brief online quiz. Called “What Video Marketing Personality Are You,” the quiz can help you better identify the types of videos that suit your content personality. Even if you have already been creating video content for some time, it’s worthwhile to take the quiz and see where you lie on the personality spectrum. 

In this discussion, Nina also referenced one of her clients who was leveraging video storytelling in his business. He is a big industry disruptor who believed that he needed to lean on storytelling for all of his video content. After taking the quiz, however, that client recognized that there isn’t an ounce of storytelling in him. This particular client was all about being an educator. He didn’t need to be boxed into storytelling when that wasn’t him. By focusing on education, his videos got substantially more traction compared to the past. 

Granted, there are many people that are a mix and match of storytellers and educators. At the same time, make sure that you are being honest with yourself. Whether you take Nina’s personality quiz or ask a trusted friend for their feedback, spend some time evaluating your preferences. You will dramatically lessen the odds that your audience is confused (which is the last thing that you want). 

Additional Tips and Tricks

Throughout the conversation, Nina also mentioned some great tips and tricks on how to create stellar video content. No matter the specific type of video content that you want to make, these tips can really make your videos pop.

For starters, try to avoid using a teleprompter. When you are making any type of video, you want to show up as you. You don’t want to seem inauthentic, distracted, or preoccupied. Granted, teleprompters certainly have their place. There may be a situation where you need to follow a script verbatim, and in that circumstance, a teleprompter can be a massive help. However, for most of us, that is not the case. If you can, really try to avoid using a teleprompter when creating your video content. At Dubb, we have found that creating a short outline with bullet points is the way to go. You can both keep your thoughts organized and confidently address the camera. In other words, you can appear professional without looking robotic. 

Next, don’t forget that video is a tool. It’s almost like writing an email to someone. Video should be that simple, seamless, and quick. When you’re writing an email, you aren’t spending that much time thinking about the format of your email. It’s more about who you want to contact, what you want to say to that particular audience, and what you want the outcome to be. 

It is no different with video. Video can be a bridge for whatever it is that you’re doing. Whether you are selling a product or service, everyone benefits from doing some video. Even if you are just starting out with one video per week, you’ll find that it is a fantastic tool to help you accomplish your goals. In fact, video can sell for you while you are doing other things. At Dubb, we like to think of this as cloning yourself. Your video content is always at work for you, whether you are serving another customer, holding a team meeting, or even when you’re sleeping. 

Increase Conversion Rate With Video Booking Page

Finally, Nina made a few notes on creating video courses. As Nina said, video courses are huge. Video courses are an outstanding way to educate your audience and create value. Your video courses could touch on so many different aspects of your business, from how to most effectively use your product or service to how your audience can use your product or service to find more customers. The sky truly is the limit here. 

At the same time, she has some pet peeves about video courses. For one thing, favor brevity. 90-minute replays are extremely burdensome on a viewer. In all likelihood, audience members don’t need to see the first 15 minutes of banter. Audience members also probably don’t need to see your sales pitch, as they have already been sold on it (they are in your course, after all). 

Instead of making your audience watch extremely lengthy videos, focus on keeping your videos as concise as possible. As Nina says, she would rather have ten videos in one chapter (each of which is two to three minutes long) than one long 40 or 50 minute video. Granted, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. There may be instances where you need a longer video to introduce content for the remainder of your course. That being said, try to include places to stop. Even better, you can add additional materials like slides, worksheets, and other support materials. Ultimately, break up your course so that it caters to all of our shortened attention spans. 

Accelerating Your Video Storytelling Journey

Nina’s story shows that visual storytelling can be a massive benefit to your business. Whether you recently started a startup or work in the marketing or sales department of a much larger company, you can count on video to get you closer to your goals. 

The road may not be straightforward. If you are creating video content for the first time, you may be intimidated to get in front of the camera. If you are a more experienced content creator, you may be hitting a roadblock in creating video content that accomplishes your sales objectives. Whatever the case may be, I encourage you to take action and stick with it. If you are a Dubb subscriber, contact us if you have any questions about how to get the most out of the product. We are here to help you in any way that we can. 

To Get More Awesome Ideas, Join Dubb Partners

This discussion with Nina Froriep was part of a regular meeting that we have with our Dubb Partners. If you haven’t heard of Dubb Partners, it’s important to recognize that Dubb Partners is more than just an affiliate program. I, along with the entire Dubb team, do everything we can to give you the tools you need to get the most value from Dubb. To be clear, there is value for you to grow your business and for members of your audience—whoever they are. 

So what do you get as a Dubb Partner? You get access to many different resources, including resources, weekly meetings, guests that speak about plenty of topics relating to growing and scaling a business, and more. For instance, ​​within your Partner stack account, we have an area called “resources.” This is a library that already has a good number of videos that can help you get the most out of Dubb. We are continuing to add video content to that area that can help you learn about and promote Dubb, so stay tuned for more. 

Better yet, by becoming a Dubb Partner, you can leverage attractive commissions to get paid while promoting Dubb. In terms of compensation, there is a 30% recurring commission. This means that if you get someone to subscribe to Dubb through your referral link, we pay you 30% every month as long as they remain a Dubb subscriber. 

The great thing? People love Dubb. They stay with Dubb at the tune of a 92 to 93% retention rate. This is great for everyone involved. Clearly, Dubb users get an immense amount of value from the platform. Whether they are trying to better communicate with prospects at scale or continue to build client relationships after the sale, they can use everything that Dubb offers to accomplish their goals. As for Dubb Partners like you, you can help your audience accomplish their goals and get paid while doing so. It is a win-win-win for everyone involved. 

Ultimately, if you aren’t yet a Dubb Partner, I encourage you to learn more. Feel free to click here for more information or click here to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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