HUGE FEATURE ANNOUNCEMENT: Follow Dubb on YouTube for more info!
Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:
– You asked and we listened.
– Sales Prospecting
– Storytelling
– Trust Building
– Dubb Features
Want a consultation like this for your business? Book a time at here.
Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.
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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)
Speaker 0:Hey, guys, it’s Ruben from Dubb, and I’m really, really excited to announce a huge feature set.Speaker 0:This is really gonna change the way that you’re using, Dubb, that you’re telling stories that you’re saving time, streamlining your overall communication and having a lot of fun in the process. So I’m super psyched to drop this, but I ask that you actually go to YouTube and subscribe to the Duck Channel on YouTube to get the announcement. So we’re gonna be doing a nice, proper announcement about this. So please go to YouTube. Please subscribe the Dubb. Thank you so much. Here, Shannon.Speaker 1:Hi. Um, we just announced a, uh,Speaker 1:announcement. This is an announcement for an announcement,Speaker 1:but to get the announcements have to subscribe on YouTube. And if you described in the next three days, we’re actually going to do a personalized video consultation with you. I do wanna highlight we just We’ve been doing some really cool videos on YouTube channel. We just released 30 minutes ago this video with the son of the founder of Atari. It’s an interview with him and this business that he built called two bit circus.Speaker 1:It’s this micro amusement park in downtown Los Angeles. So we have a whole new video about that on our YouTube channel. And, of course, if you subscribe to our YouTube channel, um, you’ll be the first to know about these new announcements for the dunk platform. So this is an announcement for an announcement. Plus, um, this announcement of the new YouTube video, which is which is a cool one. We got some cool. You devious, uh, humble, humble brag got loved up. Shout out. Thank you so much for that comment. Thank you so much. Um, thank you. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you. Got love liveSpeaker 0:streams.Speaker 0:Thank you so much. You guys, please go. You two, please subscribe The Dubb. We can’t wait to share this news, but we ask you that you go subscribe because we’re gonna make it a whole lot of fun thing. Thank you so much, Andrew. Thank you so much for subscribing. Really appreciate it. Let’s drop it here. Shannon.Speaker 0:So you guysSpeaker 1:thank you Guys buy support