This article explains how to take any video from any YouTube and create a Dubb action page with it. Now you can make YouTube videos actionable with Dubb’s calls-to-action, calendar integration, real-time chat, and much more.

How to add a video from YouTube to your Dubb Account

Step 1. Copy the URL of the YouTube video

Step 2. Click on the + button (top right) within your Dubb dashboard

Step 3. Select the third tag “Add from YouTube” Copy and paste the YouTube URL in the field

Step 4. Add a custom title and click Submit.

Once you do this you can add, edit or delete elements from a newly created Dubb action page with the YouTube video embedded on the page. This includes adding calls-to-action, your calendar integration, forms, products, and much more.

Make sure to add all your relevant calls-to-action (< link to cta article) within your Dubb dashboard.

View Numbers on YouTube

Embedding a YouTube video on a Dubb page does include the number of views to your YouTube video the same way a typical embedded YouTube video does.Auto Play

There are settings to auto play an embedded YouTube video on a Dubb page, however, this is based on the users’ browser settings on their desktop or mobile device.