How To Track Engagement and Watch Rates on Video using Dubb
Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:
– Dubb Features
– Track Engagement
– Video Marketing
– Dubb Tutorial
– Dubb Features
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Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.
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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)
Speaker 0:Hey, guys, in this video, I’m gonna cover how you can get really rich detailed analytics for all of your videos. If you don’t know this video is brought to you by doug dot com, the video creation, hosting and distribution platform. It’s no easier way to create your videos, share them with your audience and track them. So let’s get into video analytics. The first thing in some basic tracking is you know how much of your videos are being watched. So this is available with service is like YouTube. However, there’s gonna be a lot more detailed analytics when using different service is such a stubSpeaker 0:with Dubb, you’re actually provided the information as to who’s watching the video. What percentage of the video that they’ve watched if they’ve clicked any links? Basically, all engagement with your video is tracked down to really granular details of the who what, where, when.Speaker 0:So let’s get into it.Speaker 0:The way that the tracking works isSpeaker 0:you first create a video on death,Speaker 0:and when you send that video to someone, that’s when the tracking takes place.Speaker 0:So the first thing is there’s a couple of options on death, as you have a video,Speaker 0:any video you have, such as the screen recording here I cook. If I wanted to send this to somebody,Speaker 0:there’s a couple of ways that I could do that one is to share and send it through a copy and paste so I can copy this email and then send it through my Gmail. My outlook. Basically, whatever I want.Speaker 0:In order to track that send, though, what I would first need to do is add a person’s name to the database. So if I want toSpeaker 0:under my own name here,Speaker 0:you’ll see I’m already a contact in Dubb. But if you’ve never sent a video to this person before, you would need to enter their email into the database. So I’m gonna go ahead and select this one.Speaker 0:Now if I press copy free email, I can now pace this video into really any channel. I want an outlook. Gmail Ah si R m text message, social media, you name it.Speaker 0:And when that person Darius opens the video on there, and whether it’s from their cell phone or their desktop, it’s gonna let me know on my end that Darius open that video what percentage of the video he watched. If he clicked any links or really any engagement with the video, I’m gonna get both really time notifications as long as I have enabled them to the desktop and also real time notifications to your cell phone.Speaker 0:If you have the Matlock,Speaker 0:you’ll also notice the reporting. Come in places like your chrome extension or any of the add ons, as well as the reporting section of the website itself.Speaker 0:So this is where you can get some really rich analyticsSpeaker 0:reports and thing. So here’s the General reporting section for the website. I can filter activity by things like just called to action Clicks,Speaker 0:or if I want to see just who’s watched the video, I could do that at all.Speaker 0:And then I can also download this, report a CSC file and filter it and do whatever else I need to with it.Speaker 0:So that is the way videos can be tracked one cent one toe, one through any tour.Speaker 0:Now, what about when we want to send one video to multiple people?Speaker 0:So if we’re using 1/3 party tool like a male chimp or a C. R M or some other tool like that. We can send the videos through those tools, and we’ll get some basic tracking, so we’ll be able to see the tool that we’re sending it from will still show us who’s opened it and who’s clicked. But as far as that video analytics go, if we’re sending a Dove video through 1/3 party tool, we will only be able to see how many times the video was watched and what percentage of it was watched. And if links were clicked, we won’t necessarily be able to see who is watching and who is clicking on the videoSpeaker 0:on the C. R M will provide opens and link clicks but double show you watch rates the number of watches, things like that. However, if you want to see if you want to send one video to a list of people and you want to know of, though, that list who has watched what percentage that watched and things like that you can use Dubb in house video sending tools. So here’s an example of a campaign that we sent to about 1000 people, and as you see here, I can view the analytics, and I can see specifically what the email rates were. Click rates and again I can filter it by who clicked on what, what video they watched, what percentage of it they watched. All that detailed information is available here and again. I can down. Look, this is a report, but I can see specifically everything every bit of engagement these people have of the videos.Speaker 0:So that’s how we contract videos sent at scale. If we’re sending one video to multiple people or using videos in sequences or autumn actions, those are available on Dubb as well, so we can build out little work flowsSpeaker 0:of sequenced emails. These will all be tracked as well. So anyone enrolled in an automation and Dubb you will be able to see specificallySpeaker 0:if they open the e mails. If they’ve clicked the