What makes a great video platform for business marketing?

If you’re reading this right now, we already know one thing about you:

You’re ambitious.

Because that’s what it takes to succeed in sales, marketing, and any form of entrepreneurship; it takes ambition.

Today, you would think that connecting with new customers would easier than ever—but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

You see it all the time.

How many times have you been “robocalled” this week?

If you’re anything like us, you’ve learned to ignore any calls you don’t recognize—perhaps even blocking these unknown numbers once they’ve left a blank voicemail tipping you off.

The problem, however, is that these ignoring tactics are now more engraved than ever on prospective customers.

This means reaching new customers by phone has become harder than ever.

As a result, every salesperson and marketer with a desire for success and growth has to adapt accordingly.

But you already know that, don’t you?

If you’re reading this, you already understand that cold calling and emails aren’t going to cut it if you want to break through the barrier modern-day consumers have built up—all to avoid being sold.

Which is exactly why you’re here.

If you don’t know how a video platform for business works, don’t worry, we’ll explain. However, by the end of this article, you’ll not only know what makes a video platform good, but more importantly, what to look for in finding the best one for your business.

Let’s begin.

What’s a Video Platform for Business Marketing?

Dubb creators Ruben and Shannon talk to the camera

Simply put, a video platform for business marketing is any video platform that allows businesses to host and share videos via the application.

If that sounds a little technical, here’s an easy example:


Although more of a social media and content platform these days than a video marketing platform, YouTube allows its users to freely upload content to its platform and to then share that content using URL links.

Even though YouTube can be a great website for hosting content, the reason why it isn’t considered a true video platform for business marketing is because it lacks one key attribute that all great video platforms for business marketing have:

Analytics tracking.

Good analytics tracking is integral in sales and marketing—particularly when it involves client acquisition and outreach. 

When it comes to YouTube, the metrics that can be measured are very basic:

  • Total views
  • Watch time
  • Basic demographics
  • Etc.

Unfortunately, those analytics can mean very little if you can’t trace them down to the individual. Or if you can’t tell when your prospect opens up your link or if they open it at all.

It’s these kinds of dirty details that make all the difference in your marketing and sales approach (more on this later), and that’s where other video marketing platforms have come in to bridge the gap.

Today, video platforms for business marketing focus almost exclusively on analytics tracking to help you not only share your video messages with new prospects but to trace the critical analytics information at every step.

Now that you know what a video platform for business is, the next question is what you should be looking for in one… 

The Four Qualities to Look for in a Great Video Platform

Dubb Creators Shannon and Ruben talk to the camera


It should come as no surprise that businesses are generally focused on spending less and making more. Therefore, any additional marketing element to a general sensitive sales system shouldn’t be monetarily disruptive.

Suffice it to say, when looking for a great video platform for your business, you should aim for value. This means ultimately looking for a platform that emphasizes a polarity of price and experience, with the price being on the low-end and the experience being on the high-end—i.e. a great experience for a low price.

That’s value.

So, what does a great experience for a video platform for business marketing look like?

Well, it can mean a variety of things from active support, plentiful integrations, helpful online video content to keep new users informed, and a user-experience that’s instantly intuitive and easy to pick-up.

On price, we believe any monthly subscription plan should be accessible to users big and small. This means it’s a service that’s affordable for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and enterprises—and anyone else with the ambition to grow.

Our Price:

A pricing chart for Dubb

At Dubb, we offer a range of plans from a free two-week trial, a $40/month “Pro” package, and our $100 ‘Pro Plus” subscription. Each covers a range of features and benefits that fit any range of salesperson or marketer from the individual to the enterprise level.


In terms of features, there are a few elements to consider when choosing a video platform:


  • Analytics
  • Customization
  • Account support



As we’ve mentioned before, there’s no getting around the necessity of having good analytics tracking in your business’s video platform.

When seeking out a good video platform for your business, you want to ensure that its range of analytical tracking capabilities are solid and concise. This means your business’s video platform should cover the essentials without inundating you with useless metrics. 

Two good analytical metrics to track are:

Recipient Open Rates

How often are your prospects opening the video messages you send them? When are they opening them? 

Knowing this can inform you of whether you’re outward messaging needs work or if your prospect list needs some reshuffling.

Watch Time

How much of your video message are your recipients watching? Are they finishing the video? Are they cutting out at the 2-minute mark? 

Knowing these can let you know if your internal messaging (within the video) is working. Maybe your pitch needs work or your energy is off. Being able to pinpoint where your viewers lose interest can be incredibly instructive.


Although branding is important in marketing your business, the question of “whose” branding is important—is it yours or the platform providers?

When searching for a video platform for your business, look for detailed customization options that enable you to personalized every aspect of your video marketing messages from the CTA to the URL.

Account Support

Does the video platform provide a library of free resources for you to read/watch to get you up to speed on the product? Is there a helpline you can call or email to get support quickly as you get up-and-running?

These questions are vital because when you’re introducing a new system to your sales or marketing process, the last thing you need are hiccups that make the learning curve steeper. With the support of the platform provider, you should expect to be able to introduce the new tool into your system seamlessly and with minimal friction.

Our Features:

Thankfully, Dubb caters extensively in each of these categories, from the plethora of available user analytics data to help you fine-tune your outbound marketing, the customization options to help you personalize your marketing message, to the ongoing support network to make your marketing efforts seamless, we’ve got you covered on all fronts.


A graphic of Dubb integrations

This is an easy differentiator when looking at multiple video platforms for business marketing: integrations.

An integration is simply a compatibility with another digital tool, platform, or application.

For example, Gmail is an integration of Dubb that allows you to record and share video messages via the Gmail application.

When it comes to integrations—particularly if you’re a large business with a bevy of existing programs and platforms in use—a video platform with a variety of integrations can be extremely helpful in easing a new platform into your existing system.

In short, the more integrations the better.

Our Integrations:

Thankfully, while our competitors have compatible integrations numbering 40 and 34, at Dubb we have more than 84 integrations available to help our clients introduce Dubb into their marketing and sales strategy with ease.


Perhaps, most importantly, any great video platform for your business should be easy-to-use.


Aside from the obvious, introducing a video marketing platform to a business can be potentially disruptive. You don’t want to bring in a new element to your sales process that slows down your efforts—or the efforts and productivity of your team. 

You need a seamless system that’s easy to pick up, quick to get started, and produces real results, fast.

So, how is a video platform made to be easy-to-use?

Other than it’s integrative capacity, a good video platform is built to be intuitive, guiding you from download, to recording your first video, to sending it to your first recipient within the first five minutes of using it.

This tutorial step is key because whether you or your staff is tech-savvy or not, the ease of use when sending that first message will determine if the system is adopted widely or not.

Our Ease of Use:

At Dubb, not only do we pride ourselves in providing a simple, and easy-to-use tutorial, but we also bolster our platforms designed user experience with external instruction videos on our support channel. Updated multiple times a week, these videos are designed to be instructive, teaching users how to get the most out of the platform and score more conversions and sales on a consistent and ongoing basis.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to create a dramatic improvement in your client acquisition, retention, or marketing impressions, there is no better road than video marketing.

At Dubb, we’re here to help you create a longlasting impression among your team members, clients, and prospects while helping you market more efficiently and get more sales.

To get started with your free Dubb account, click here.