How to Add a Video to an Email Signature

Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:

– Dubb Features

– Video Marketing

– Dubb Tutorial

– Email Signature

– Communication

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Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.

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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)

Speaker 0:
Everyone is Darius from Dubb. In this video, I’m gonna show you how you can add a video to your email signature. More on that in just one second. This video is brought to you by duck dot com. The video Communication Platform Dubb allows you to create, host, distribute and track videos for all your business needs. So let’s get into it. Why would we want a video in our email signature? Well, really, it’s the same thing is why we want all our other links and communication channels in our email signature is to get people to take action may be to get them to learn a little bit more about us, maybe have them get an impression of us. So how do we get a video in the email signature?
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The first thing to do is to create a free account on Deb. You can go to doug dot com and your own free account. I already have a
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so I’m just gonna walk again
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once we’re in here. Any video you create you can upload to Dubb, you can create the videos either on Dubb using the screen recorder, The Web camera quarter the mobile app And you can also take any video from anyplace Ah, videographer. Like a cell phone camera, anything you got and you can upload it to death. Once it’s on here, Every video kind of has its own little page where you can manage it. So say, for example, this is a video here of the founder.
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If I wanted to embed this video in my email signature, this is all I’m gonna have to do.
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First, I can share this video through any number of channels.
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But I can also just press copy for email.
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And when I come into my email signature here in my settings,
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come down here to where your email signature is. All I have to do is go into the body of my email signature
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and paste the video.
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And then I can even choose the size of it that I want, cause that’s a little large. Maybe I want it smaller, probably about that size
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that looks good. And then I’m gonna go and save these dangers.
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And then now, when I send an email, that little videos in that signature. So this is a really great place to introduce people to yourself, your team, your company, your product and more. But what happens when they actually click this link is a whole lot of other things that we can use to kind of convert people to get them to do the things we want, including couples to action, buttons of some branding opportunities and more
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its route from dumped on prom. So
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that’s how we can add a video to our email signature. Remember, you can sign up for a free account on dev dot com and have the same functionality for yourself,
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