Loom is known for being a screen recording solution, while Dubb is an all-inclusive video solution that allows users to create, record, upload, share, and track via webcam, screen or phone. Dubb features dozens of integrations which allow users to quickly record HD videos directly from Gmail, LinkedIn, and many CRMs.

With Dubb you can create hyper-personalized video landing pages in seconds with custom domain, logo, multiple calls-to-action, viewing options and more. One of the most popular features on Dubb is the ability to upload video files and embed videos on a landing pages with multiple calls-to-action.

The tracking and data capabilities on Dubb are next to none. Standard data points in the Dubb dashboard are email open, email click, video page view, % watch rate, call-to-action click and more. Lastly, Dubb offers many advanced features for marketing automation including the ability to create custom landing pages, create outbound email (SMS coming soon) campaigns, deploy marketing automation workflows (coming soon) and much more.

Grab a free account on Dubb to see the difference.