Here’s the transcript

A beginner’s guide to generating more inbound
leads. This is a generating guide
for more call bells.
Let’s quickly define the difference between outbound and inbound.
Outbound is more of a traditional sales model. Some people call it the
push based marketing method. Outbound activities, phone calls, emails,
door to door sales, just getting people’s attention by putting yourself out there.
Inbound marketing is all based on creating original content and then having people
come to you. That could be in the form of blog posts or articles or
videos on YouTube, social media posts, advertisements, anything that
really brings people into the door, into your marketing funnel.
So is inbound more scalable? I think inbound is a lot more scalable because
it doesn’t require as much of the human element. You don’t have to have people
making the call, sending the emails, create content, put it out there on channels,
and then have people come to you. But it does take a lot more time.
It’s more of an initial investment. So you really have to figure out how
you can invest into your content creation, your videos, writing your copy,
your social, and so on. One of the greatest advantages of inbound
leads is that typically speaking, they’re a lot cheaper because people
find you. When people come to you, the chances of them converting are
drastically higher because they made a choice. They said, I’m going to reach
out to this company because I’m interested in this product. And I think the reason
why they convert so much more is because they made that choice as opposed to
a salesperson making a choice of outbound contacting them. Here’s a method
of generating more inbound leads. Probably seen those pop ups
that are like, hey, put in your email, get on our newsletter. And a lot
of times you’ll just instantly click the X because those can
be annoying page takeovers or the mobile pop ups on a website.
But here’s a tip, people don’t really like the full screen pop ups. Pop ups
do work. It’s better to do something a little bit more subtle so maybe that’s
a bar on the bottom dialogue that’s in the corner that can help increase
conversions. And also it just builds goodwill so people don’t get annoyed.
And then another tip is add a little deal sweetener. They’ll just say,
oh, sign up for our newsletter and then that’s it. It would be better to
say something like sign up for our newsletter and you’ll get this free ebook
when you sign up. A little deal sweetener. Incentivizes people to put
their email in so it could be a free product, a discount,
give them something to incentivize them to sign up. Provide content,
provide valuable content that people love, that makes
them want to fill out a form and make them want to connect with you.
Now, once you have a list of inbound leads in the form of emails,
you might think, oh okay, jump in there hard sell. Just send them
a whole bunch of emails. Buy our thing, buy our thing, buy our thing.
It’s like, no, slow down, slow down. It’s a step wise
process. You want to continue providing value. Email marketing
is an art. You don’t want to just go in there guns blazing with
a whole bunch of buy now links. Provide educational content, provide entertainment
content. Bring them into your culture. Build that goodwill.
Prove that you’re worthy to be in their inbox. You know what,
we just got a download right now. We got an ebook download right now.
Maybe you already gave an ebook when they signed up, but continue
providing resources. Here’s a little quick tip on how to create an inbound
marketing plan in one day. So the first thing you want to do is you
want to have a long form blog post written. You want to have a two
to 30 word blog post that addresses every single aspect of
your ideal customers pain points and the problems that they want to solve.
They’ll get that blog post written. Find a good writer. It could be someone internally.
It could be an outsourced service. You can use something like fiverr. Find someone that
has a writing talent. So step one is to write that long form content.
Step two is to take that blog post and to create an ebook out of
it. Very easy to do that through simple software like Google Slides, PowerPoint, or even
Microsoft Word. Step three is to create a landing page that has a ton of
value, a ton of information, maybe even a video, and then
a form where people can download that ebook. Step five is to take that ebook
to figure out other ways to parse it on your blog, on social media.
Put it, chop it up, parse it, put it onto all your social channels,
schedule posts to happen within the next couple of weeks and ultimately distribute
that awesome, awesome asset. So I think that’s a really quick way to
get your inbound marketing strategy activated today. Remember, when people opt in
or when people fill out a form on your website, they’re creating a relationship with
you that’s based on trust. They trust that if they put their information,
they are going to receive something back in return. Don’t forget that people have
your trust. Now if you break that trust by over emailing them,
over spamming them, over contacting them, you’re going to lose and you’re going to
undo all the goodness that you did with your inbound marketing strategy. So be
mindful of people’s privacy. So right now we’re going to go over call
to actions. This is the basic building block in any online
marketing strategy. But it’s really important to understand, especially for inbound
marketing. Calls to action are my second favorite thing
to cowbell. Cowbell.
He loves cowbell. It’s all about your call to action. Download now sign
up make Purchase, get Newsletter the options are
limitless figure out the one that works for you. People like to be given a
path of value. They like to see that if they consume some piece of content
that there’s an option to move to the next step. Leave them down the funnel
to a place where they can click a call to action button. Signing up,
making a purchase. The call to action button is extremely important. So if
you’re thinking of a call to action as some kind of pop up on your
website, you can do that. But it can be used in so many other places.
A great strategy is to make a custom landing page the final destination.
All these sources, whether that’s your email newsletter or social
media, those assets should have links that go to your landing
page. On that landing page is a final sell. Put a video on there.
Videos convert the best out of any format under that video. That’s where you put
your call to action. Have that landing page as that kind of central place.
Make sure to get people aware of that landing page. You have your content on
social media on somewhere like Instagram. Since you can’t put links into the captions
on Instagram, you would say, hey, link in Bio, just click that link
and then you can go and learn more on your email newsletter. You just at
the bottom. After they’ve finished reading their content, say, hey, click this link to learn
more. Slowly warming them up to the final sale at the top
of the funnel. It’s just content that’s nurturing them, getting them
to like your brand a little bit warmer. You’re saying, hey, click this link,
learn even more. And then once they’ve clicked that link, that goes to
a landing page. And then that landing page is hot. It’s very hot.
And that’s where the call to action is. To get them to convert.
That is music to my ears. I think it’s important to
in your Instagram post to say click Link and Bio, and then to
have your Bio link go to whatever campaign you’re trying to promote on Twitter.
You can just put that link directly in the tweet or create it as a
thread. So your first tweet can just be like, hey, original content,
we’re just helping you out. But then make a threaded tweet where
there’s a little button where you can reply to your original tweet, making it a
thread. And then that’s where you kind of go in with the harder sell,
saying, hey, click this link to learn more. That sends them to their landing
page on somewhere like Facebook. You can warm them up with the original
content and the main post, but then in the comments section,
that’s where you would put the link to your landing page with the
call to action. So it’s all about just kind of slowly warming them up.
Don’t go in guns blazing at first. Prove that you’re giving
them value and then go in for the ass. People can tell
if you’re trying to sell them. It’s important to be aware of that and
build trust as much as you can before you go right in and
ask for the sell. It’s a subtle art of selling without selling,
selling without selling. It’s also important to remember to not
be stagnant. Let’s say you just kind of did all the strategies.
Why am I holding this? We don’t know why. It’s important to also keep
the variety going. So if you just do that same thing again and again,
people start to notice that. So create more original content,
switch up the call to action, create new landing pages, make new
videos. It’s important to keep the train moving because that way people
will stay engaged. So I think one
of the great residual benefits of inbound marketing is that you can parlay it
into earned media and to paid media. So the difference between paid
media and earned media is earned
media is when people on their own accord put positive things at you on the
internet. That could be a tweet, it could be a Facebook post, it could be
a product review on you. Paid media is when you take your content and
you sponsor it. So Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,
YouTube, it’s just putting dollars behind it. I think the best marketers figure out
a way to sort of balance between earned media and paid media
and always focus on pushing content out there in the world that
delights, engages and converts people. It’s always good to maximize that
organic reach as much as possible. So you can do that through search engine
How do you get that earned media? Earned media you really can’t plan for.
So here’s a really good example of earned media. Wendy’s recently put
out a post where they asked people to like a tweet or
bringing back their spicy chicken nuggets. And I think they got over 2 million likes.
So obviously there was a great amount of demand that they learned about discovered from
the engagement. As a result, it really was a whole entire marketing plan
and a marketing strategy for them. There was a ton of earned media pre buyers
for their products. So as you create original content that will kind
of stimulate the earned media potential, you can’t force it.
Fast food chain already had a lot of followers.
So it’s easy to just say, hey, like this thing, tons of people are going
to like it. But if you have six followers on Twitter, it’s a lot harder
to get that earned media. So it’s really important when you’re small to
reach out to your early adopters. Encourage them to
start generating that earned media. Give people access or
information. Sort of a free upgrade to kind of stimulate earned media.
The best earned media has to be organic though. I think that’s the key.
Early adopters are a unique type of people there’s not that many of them
out there. Try to capture social proof and to get testimonials.
Once people see other people doing things, then they feel inspired to do
the same thing. So try to listen to the feedback of your early adopters and
change and pivot whatever it is that you’re doing so that you can really try
to make them happy. And then capture those stories so that you can promote and
stimulate more stories which will ultimately bring up your brand
and that will get you money in the bank. Inbound leads
can be generated through organic distribution or through paid distribution.
Generating inbound leads does have a cost associated with it. First you
have to generate original content that starts attracting the leads.
But if you’re just starting out, you might need advertising, paid media
to boost your exposure and to get more people to look at your content.
The Holy Grail is not leaning on the paid content as much, making the
content so that people really want to share it and really want to watch it.
When you achieve that, then you don’t have to rely on the paid
advertising as much. That just compounds and through network
effects. The more that that content is shared, the more and more inbound leads
you will get. Important to look at your data data can be your best friend
in this whole process because you can figure out ways to optimize to AV,
test different things, landing pages, emails, social posts,
CTAs and then kind of figure out what’s working and what’s not working.
Double down on the most effective things. Don’t forget that if you look at the
data too prematurely, it might be misleading. Sometimes it takes repetition,
continuity, and a true commitment to put your content out there,
whether it’s LinkedIn posts or YouTube videos. Stay consistent,
stay focused, and keep putting your stuff out there. So that’s our
overview of how to generate inbound leads. It’s worth mentioning our company has a great suite of tools
to create videos and also create video landing pages with
call to Actions on them. Dub created landing pages make
it really easy to add call to Actions to increase your conversions
and get more sales. Check that out with Calville All.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos and we’ll see you next