Dubb Feature Announcement Monday Live Stream

Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:

– Dubb Feature Announcement

– Profitable Personal Brand

– Live Stream

– Corporate Sales

– Dubb Marketing

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Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.

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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)

Speaker 0:
Hello. Hello. Hello. Welcome. Thio Dubb Monday broadcast. If you’re watching on the replay, be sure to give us a thumbs up and you could skip ahead through the live stream. It’s a live stream when it come cover several different topics. So thanks for joining us on, Biff. You’re joining live. Welcome. Uh, and maybe we should introduce ourselves.
Speaker 1:
Hey, I’m Ruben. I’m Garris.
Speaker 0:
I’m Shannon.
Speaker 0:
We’re from Dubb.
Speaker 0:
Yeah, so let’s have Reuben start us off on this Monday. A broadcast. Um, Reuben, take it away with our first topic.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, well, we’ve got a little feature announcement here. So, um, I don’t know if I should drop that in the beginning or in the end or somewhere in the middle of any recommendations. Janet, what’s that? Wait. What’s the most kind of dramatic way to do that?
Speaker 0:
I say we start with the juicy feature announcement, and then we’ll maybe rehash it at the end for the people who who missed it.
Speaker 1:
Okay, cool. So both, that’s cool. So, yes. So we’ve got an exciting future announcement. Dove now has email templates.
Speaker 1:
And what is what? Our email templates. We’ll email templates are customizable graphical email designs basically that you can use in your individual e mails, but then also your broadcast evil. So,
Speaker 1:
up until now, we’ve had very simple text based e mails, and, uh and and those have All right, you know, you guys have probably received our email newsletter, and you’ve probably seen those, um, and we use our own product to market our product, which is kind of a unique thing that we do have.
Speaker 1:
Yeah. Yeah, well, you created him also.
Speaker 1:
But but But now what we’ve decided to do is really give people the power to add the branding of the colors at the design graphics. You know, this is the thumbnails. This is the cult actions.
Speaker 1:
It’s text, of course.
Speaker 1:
So it’s it’s pretty cool. So anyways, if you want to grab access to that,
Speaker 1:
just go to the marketing section within your dashboard and then click on templates and then just to be very transparent about this, you know, this is part of a larger pilot program to really kick off the all all new sort of soon to come, you know, Dubb marketing ad on which is gonna be a whole host of features.
Speaker 1:
So there’s a couple of cool things. They’re gonna come out for quote unquote Dubb marketing. So stay tuned for that.
Speaker 1:
Um, and that’s the feature announcement. So if you have any questions, please let us know. Comments below would be much appreciated. You can absolutely add custom designs as well. So just click on the blank option, and then you can upload your HTML code. And then, of course, you can select one of our existing templates and then customize those as well. So there you have it. I’d love to learn a little bit from Shannon and dairies today about email, deliver ability and then, like, sort of personal branding.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 0:
That’s an awesome announcement. Thanks for sharing that, Um, and we’ll get it. We’re gonna rehash that, too. If you’re just during the live stream, we’re gonna cover that announcement again at the end. And there is What’s your take on that announcement?
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I was gonna say, Even if you want it, throw a little something together for for the end of the call. Just like a visual of what it looks like. We could do a quick I’ll get screen shot or something. Okay. Cool. Yeah, I’ll definitely do a screen share. Thankful? Yeah. Um, all right, So, yeah, we’re here today. We’re both gonna have a little something to say as a 2020 take on email marketing. We both like what? We have to say what we learned in this last year, and we both have kind of some takeaways that I think we’re gonna be excited to share with you guys. So, um, you wanna go first, or
Speaker 0:
Yeah, absolutely. We’ll start the 2020 take away.
Speaker 0:
So we have, uh, you know, hear, Dubb. Where the video space. Where? The branding, Marketing space on me. Personally, my focus is on marketing and branding. So one of the trends that I see for 2020 is a focus on personalities. Um, and, you know, you might think. OK, you mean influencers? What? What is this influence there all the time? Like Well,
Speaker 0:
not not really. No. Um, you know, I think the personal brand, they have a personal brand, it’s gonna become a lot more mainstream
Speaker 0:
in 2020. So it’s not just gonna be influencers or sort of this this upper echelon, so to speak. It’s gonna be a lot more democratized. So as these tools, such as Dubb, where you know you could make videos at scale and then send them out.
Speaker 0:
It becomes really about people getting to know you on a personal level, less of less of some kind of corporate facade where you know you don’t have a sense of who’s actually behind the business or behind the brand,
Speaker 0:
you know, even incorporate traditional scenarios.
Speaker 0:
It’s almost seems like, Oh, well, you know, you want to stay, you want to stay professional. But I thought I’ve seen personally. A shift in