Making videos has become much easier than the good ol’ days. Learn some tips on how to get the most out of your budget. The story continues on

So do you need it let’s do it that’s fine it’s no rolling yeah so do you need expensive gear and a big production team for me the answer’s no especially when you’re creating sales and marketing videos for social media or your website it’s that’s just kind of a luxury to be honest it’s super fun you know spending a lot of money getting a big team getting really nice cameras 4k that all sounds exciting and it sounds like that it’s a good return on investment but to be honest what you have in your pocket the foam that you have in your pocket is now so high quality that is very negligible the difference between a DSLR professional thousand dollar camera and your iPhone or Google pixel so I’d say really think about the context of what you’re making you know are you making if you’re just making a video for Instagram you might as well just use your iPhone and get a friend who’s passionate about making videos and play around and make something that you know still focus on editing you can still integrate high production value techniques with gear that you already have you know the phones that’s already in your pocket and that way you save a lot of money and to be honest you make sometimes you make better content because when would you focus so much on the gear and the production you’re thinking oh you know that distracts from the story and what really matters is the message that you’re sending this the story and maybe the the pitch and selling your product so so I’d say you know there’s definitely times where you can have a bigger production team if you’re making a big commercial for the Super Bowl or something like that but if you’re just 0:01:48.930,0:01:54.570 making you know marketing videos for Facebook Instagram your website I’d say try to think small and focus more on the story rather than the tools.