This blog post is a side-by-side comparison between the different offerings and prices of Bombbomb and Dubb.This video is brought to you by Dubb.

Below is a transcript of the video:

Hey, everyone, welcome back to Deb reviews. The channel will recover the very latest
and greatest and video sales and marketing technology. Today’s video
is brought to you by dub com we’re actually using the dub desktop
app to record this video. You can see little controls for here and the web came.
Okay, so today’s video is about Bombbomb pricing we’re going
to cover all the different tiers and kind of plans of Bombbomb pricing. And while we’re doing it we’re
going to do a little side by side comparison with dub pricing on the side at the same time. Okay,
so let’s get into it. Shut the camera off. And all right, so the
first thing they have listed here is their individual Plus plan at 5 88 per year, but this
isn’t actually where the pricing starts. They do actually have this is a relatively new plan.
So the recent really Bombom video for 29 99 per month. And
this is the Gmail addon are on your Google Chrome browser. So this doesn’t
have all the features that they have to offer. It does have many of their powerful features but it doesn’t
have everything they have to offer. So this is their minimum offer.
They do have also a free trial over a dub there’s. Not only
a free plan there’s a free for life plan there’s also a free trial as well. And
then we have a couple of starter plans here that are a little
bit different. So there’s an internal and support plan that
starts at just eight dollars per month. And this is kind of similar to this
bomb bomb plan. So it removes all the dub branding. It has all the professional
features, it just doesn’t have all the sending capabilities that that bomb
bomb does. Or the dub does on the higher tiered plans. So
these plans would pretty much be equivalent this. Eight dollars per month plan would really
be the equivalent of the bomb bomb. 29 per month plan and that’s
because it doesn’t include all the sending capabilities just like this one doesn’t hear. So the
next year up is going to be the individual plus which is this
5 88 per month or per year, sorry 5 88 per
year build annually. There is the ability to build this monthly it’s
just not going to be quite as an expense. So this comes down to about 49 dollars per month. Okay,
this is what we’re looking at for their tier. That includes really all the features
that they have. This is 3,500 contact limits
we’re not actually going to dive into feature comparisons in this video that’s going
to be saved for another video. So be sure to check that out if you’re looking to dive deeper into
features this one’s just pricing. But just to list the features there, this
is the one that’s going to have access to everything that they have and then over on dub,
the equivalent of this plan is going to be the sales Pro here.
And now what this offers is everything that the dub platform has to offer, including
all the features and bells and whistles. And when we go into the feature
comparison in another video you’re going to see that these two platforms really have more in common
than they do different there’s a lot of similarities. And they can basically
do really similar things there’s just going to be some unique features on each
of them that you definitely want to check out. But this is what we’re looking at in
terms of pricing this 1 32 dollars per month. I paid for the year in advance where
Bombbombs about 49 dollars per month. I paid for the year in advance. Now
each also have one tier above this for Bombomb
it’s actually, the prompt. Plus now this is only applicable for
mortgage and real estate, but that one’s. 2,000 dollars per year and
on dub, there is one tier above this and that is the Pro. Plus, so
this is similar to the Pro. Except for it’s going to include an account manager
and phone support. And then also more contacts API
access custom integrations and some other custom features that come
with your account management. This level of contact and support
is isn’t provided here on one of the lower plans, perhaps with the
individual. Plus and also in the enterprise section is where you’re going to
find that level of support you’re going to have to contact them for pricing on enterprise
solutions, though. This is dubs version of enterprise support. So this is going to
come with an account manager and phone support. So I hope that does it for you guys. We
really broken down the three different years. We talked about the free trial, the
29 and then the 5 88 per year. And then we talked about
the free for life. The free trial, the 32 and eight dollars per
month Pro Pro over a Deb and there’s. Also the equivalent of the 29
which is the support program for eight dollars per month. If pay for a
year in advance 10 if you pay for it month to month. But that 10 dollars plan is the equivalent
of the 29 dollars plan over ride down.


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