Video Marketing The Definitive Guide


Get this eBook to learn Video Marketing, The Definitive Guide.

Before the rise of internet marketing, the term “marketing” often meant that you and your organization would pay for the expensive print, radio, or television ads, hoping that potential customers would somehow find your ad and feel compelled to act.

But let’s face the facts. It often resulted in a lot of hoping and praying. Everyone from scrappy entrepreneurs to more-established corporations relied on intuition and simple guesswork.

The world has certainly changed. The internet has enabled a latticework of marketing tactics and strategies, from pay-per-click ads to influencer marketing.

That said, the rise of video is one of the most exciting developments in internet marketing. Video continues to gobble up internet traffic, with Cisco estimating that video traffic will be a whopping 82 percent of all internet traffic by 2021.

The rise of video traffic on the internet isn’t simply focused on cat videos, however.

Companies and brands are achieving astounding results with video marketing. Aberdeen Group released a study showing that video marketers obtain 66 percent more qualified leads per year, along with a 54 percent increase in brand awareness.

Video marketing is incredibly exciting, yet it can be difficult to know how to produce marketing videos that get the most bang for your buck.

We’ve got your back.

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dubb platform

About Dubb

Dubb is a video communication platform that lets users send personalized, trackable videos. The Dubb platform simplifies video sharing with a Chrome Extension, Outlook Add-In, mobile app and website that allow users to share and track screen and camera videos. Dubb offers a free 14-day trial with no credit required.