How to Use Video for Enterprise Sales

Watch this recorded video consultation call hosted by Dubb to explore the following items:

– Using Video in a Large Company 6K

– International Use Cases

– Lead Nurturing

– Sales Prospecting

– Storytelling

– Trust-building

– Introductions

– Prospecting through Email, Linkedin, others

– Brain Storming

– Personal Touch

– Tracking Emails

– Dubb Analytics

– Dubb Contacts

– Automatic Workflows

– Dubb Supports

– Pricing

Want a consultation like this for your business? Book a time at here.

Dubb is a video communication platform that lets you create, share, track videos to grow your business. For more resources search for “Dubb” in YouTube and subscribe to Dubb’s podcast, Connection Loop.

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Transcription from Video (transcription automatically generated with Amazon Transcribe)

Speaker 0:
David. All right. So I wanted to kind of provide a little bit of value for you on how to use video for sales prospecting for outreach. I understand that you have a specific use case. I understand that you’re a French based company total of 6000 or so employees. But I’d like to understand a little bit more about what your pain points, what you’re struggling from and really, what problem you’re trying to solve.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 1:
Ah, good. Prime. It’s quite simple. So just to give a bit of clarification, the company I’m belong to is American, Right? Okay. Got it on. Uh, but I’m you know, I’m really ah focused on the French market.
Speaker 1:
As you can hear, probie.
Speaker 1:
A MRI and, ah, the bottom line of the problematic 1/2. Is this right?
Speaker 1:
We we have done actually prospecting. Ah, in the past or prospecting will be true. Email linden. So on. So
Speaker 1:
the, uh, the return rate, she’s not actually, uh, good enough
Speaker 1:
so that there has been a bit off a brainstorm. The team just to think Okay,
Speaker 1:
Would you have any?
Speaker 1:
All the ideas and my g was come with actually, uh,
Speaker 1:
one of your competitors out. We from to tell you of this with you? Yeah, I was It was good of you,
Speaker 1:
but I’m just going to few rounds. If you are doing that other than those guys.
Speaker 1:
See, it’s simple.
Speaker 1:
The bottom line is this is well trained toward tree sent to some type of contents, e mails,
Speaker 1:
but we need to bring a little bit of personal touch in there.
Speaker 1:
What we need, what we need as well is to make sure we can track everything that is happening. Once we send human so
Speaker 1:
way, send an email, tow C i o.
Speaker 1:
And we need to know. Okay, Decio, Judy, click on my video. Our long time
Speaker 1:
you spend actually looking at my video Was the country some sort of activity
Speaker 1:
in the sense that if I can see that magically always watched a few times, he means that it has been shared
Speaker 1:
and so on and so on, you know? I mean, you know,
Speaker 0:
that sounds amazing. All right. Great. Yeah. It gives me a lot of context. Let’s start with data. Okay.
Speaker 0:
Data is really important to Dubb. In fact, there’s no point in doing a lot of these activities. If we’re not getting really rich data with our activities and the really pace,
Speaker 1:
I take note that so sorry.
Speaker 0:
Yeah, and I’ll send you. I’ll send you the recording after this call, so you’ll have your own even big notes if you don’t like. Okay, look, yeah, I’ll say they’re great. So
Speaker 0:
data is very important. The reason why data is important with our communication is because we need to understand what people are doing at which stage. So people make different activities and do different engagements, depending on where they are in the funnel. If they’re at the top of the funnel, they’re doing more perusing. They’re doing more research. They’re going to your website. They’re checking out LinkedIn profiles. They’re just consuming information. We’re kind of in the awareness phase where, as if they’re in the middle of the funnel now, they’re starting to really understand what the problem is. And what are the solutions? Who are the providers out there that can that can assist them and then at the bottom of the funnel? Of course, they’re making very specific targeted actions towards making a decision of purchase decision, and all of those actions that happened throughout that funnel are extremely valuable for anyone in sales or business development or marketing because it allows us to be better sales people. It allows us to be better value providers. It allows us to be better communicators because if we know what people want at this stage, that there are, then we can provide information that is specific to them. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna share my screen, and I’m gonna show you what the Dubb Data looks like. Okay, so this is just, uh uh Let’s just get into a screen share right now and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna share an idea of a Dubb video that was created. So just to give you a little bit of context Dubb is about meeting you where you are.
Speaker 0:
You can record a video from your webcam from the Dubb Mobile out from the Gmail. Integration from the linked in integration. Dozens of CR m integrations. What’s here, M do you use
Speaker 1:
Ah, since Ross actually way
Speaker 0:
have a very, very, very nice integration with Salesforce. Okay, So what you’re seeing on my screen here, this is This is a screen video that I recorded. Okay, this is a classic sales sales focused screen video. Okay, It’s providing value value in this particular situation. This is a This is a, uh, of a Neve ent conference. Okay,
Speaker 0:
but what I can do is I can take this video. And Aiken, enter Cem personalization texture.
Speaker 0:
I can copy for email,
Speaker 0:
and then I can pace. It’s directly in an email.
Speaker 0:
Uh, okay. Now, once I do that, a couple of things happen. Number one, is there some personalization text here? So it really gives that personal touch. Number two is that it’s an animated Jeff, But most importantly, there’s trackable data on everything