Here’s the transcript

Top ten best product commercials ever
created. Not 20. According to us. This is
very subjective and it’s not by the number of views. This is completely on a
subjective basis. Starting with you. You know what?
Start with you. There are
ten favorites, no particular order. So the first one I’m going to go with is
the Dollar Shave Club video. It’s a
classic. It’s a flagship video. The evolution of the infomercial.
We’re going to react to each of these commercials for a dollar a month.
We send high quality razors right to your door. Look at that backdrop. That’s crazy.
What is all that stuff? Al 100 and I are going to ship them right
to you.
That company got acquired for a billion dollars by unilever. It was
this video that put them on the map. Came out in 2012.
Set the standard for viral advertisement in
modern YouTube age. It became a little bit of a cliche. At least
we need a Dollar Shave Club video. So our next one hulu commercial
with Alec Baldwin. They say TV will rot your brain.
That’s absurd. TV only softens the brain like
a ripe banana. Once your brains are reduced to a cottage chase like Mush,
we’ll scoop them out with a melon bowler and gobble them right on up.
Because we’re aliens and that’s how we roll. Hulu.
An evil plot to destroy the world. Enjoy. This ad is really interesting because it
uses this trope of like, TV will rot your brain. And it really leans into
that like an anticommercial is a good way to describe it.
Contrarian approach for what you’d expect in a commercial. Expect a commercial
to be like, oh, our product does all this great stuff for you. We’re so
great. But this is very self reflexive and that it makes fun of the fact
that TV routes your brain very meta, very self reflexive.
Making fun of themselves. I’m going to give that one a thumbs up. I love
that piece. Next up is the Squatty Potty commercial,
which is produced by the Harmon Brothers for the Squatty Potty product.
This is where your ice cream comes from. A creamy proof of a
mystic unicorn. Totally clean, totally cool and
soft. Serves straight from a sphincter hair and makeup to
the animation to the flow. The writing is there.
They touch all the points. This was not a cheap commercial to produce.
Probably in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce. So if you’re a
human being, you poop some of your butt. Click here to order your Squatting Party
today. URL right in the video.
Totally obvious. That’s where you need to go to make a purchase. They didn’t assume
that people were going to go to the description and click on that link.
They want you to see that they want to brand their URL. They want you
to go to that website and pay. Not to mention the 2000 Amazon users who
gave the Squatty potty five stars, including the author of this moving haiku
on the social proof here. Show the reviews in the video.
Again, Social proof. Tons of validation here. They actually have a device
where they show some of the positive reviews that they oh,
squatty potty. You fill me with endless joy.
We got all the factors here. They’ve got cuteness. They’ve got awkwardness and quirkiness
and a unicorn. This was a Harmon Brothers production. They’ve done a
lot of really cool stuff. You can check them out. So the next ad in
my selection is this Spike Jones directed Apple
ad for the HomePod. Hey, Sherry, tell me something I’d like.
this is a really great example of experiential ad that doesn’t even focus on
the product very much at all. It’s all about the vibe and
the cinematography. Everything you see here was actually done with practical
sets. So they actually had physical sets.
They would move in conjunction to actually stretch and warp
around about
the visual impact of this amazing set that they built. And it
kind of speaks to what the product is, too, because their product they’re selling is
all about listening to music and that kind of experiential moment. So it’s really kind
of visually showing what it feels like to listen to a song. They don’t mention
the features, which is interesting. That’s a very different approach.
I think that this really is a halo effect. This is an example of a
commercial that really builds up the brand. They don’t need to hit you
over the head statistics and features. They just build their brand equity and
how it makes you feel and then connecting the brand
to that feeling. Loyalty for the brand in a
way that a commercial that just listed off the features could never do.
This actually makes you want to learn about the product.
What is that? What was that saying at the beginning? I want to learn more
about that. There’s mystery to it. Big shout out to Apple. You guys are the
masters for creating emotional pieces like this. Next up is Tom’s
shoes. Shoes for Tomorrow.
So I think this is a really emotional piece because they actually show the kids
receiving the shoes. And I think that that really connected to people
take you on the journey. They show you what the residual benefit of your purchasing
this product happens to be, which is, of course, kids getting free shoes.
That’s the power of video. Their marketing says, Hey, we have a one to one
shoe program. But this video actually shows them in
action, delivering on their mission, delivering on their promise.
So a lot of love in that video. Moving on to my next video.
This is just like a clean product video that just, like,
pitches the startups product, what they’re doing.
Glasses have always helped us master light.
They bend it, focus it,
shield us from it. But these are not your
standard glasses. They have a light of their own.
Classic start out video just kind of gets buzzed, mostly for, like, the press,
like the press picked up on it. Introducing focals by north.
Your smartest pair of glasses.
You can just make something kind of hip music, some nice voiceover,
good ad copy, really nice kind of cinematography that
just sells your product, and that can work. Cool story, bro. My next one’s called
growing wild from the beard club company that was almost in response to the
dollar shave club. Who knows where your beard might take you once
you’ve got a healthy face? For us, groan, it’s crucial you know how to manage
it. Our products will transform you from an uncut savage into
a bearded king. They are speaking
directly to their target audience, and it seems like they really don’t care if
you are insulted or if you’re offended by this, because guess what?
If you’re not in their target audience, they’re probably not interested. It was almost like
that old spice commercial with a guy on a horse mixed
with the dollar shave video. My next video
is another apple ad. Meet liam.
When it’s time. Liam deconstructs your iPhone.
Archer detected and removed
so the materials inside those parts can
be repurposed. Give your iPhone to us so
we can recycle it. But they turn that sort of boring task
into this very intriguing video showing
this robot. They designed to do this fun video to watch.
It’s fun music. They really tap into the oddly satisfying
videography movement. Totally. Which is where you get to watch something
that’s truly oddly satisfying. In this case, it’s a machine that’s
taken apart this device and it’s super fun to watch. My next ad is
a sony ad that’s just really visually stunning. This is in
a whole bunch of top ad lists promoting
the vibrant color of their new LCD television.
They do it in a really creative way. They’re actually detonating paint bombs.
Highly shareable, really not focusing on the product. And it’s just
really, really fun to watch. People just want to share that because if
it was a product that was just like, oh, here’s a television,
here’s all these things about why our color is really good about
this television. No one want to share that. It was a massively viral video
back in 2006, and that was because people just like to watch it.
Make sure you’re making things that people actually want to watch and they want to
share. My last video is this is actually, I think, my favorite pitch video for
sure on the internet. This was at the venture capital fundraising club
in silicon valley. Say I’m a lover, not a fighter if I had
to make an old cliche. But I’m here today to talk to
you guys about air. Air is roughly like 70% to 79%
nitrogen, 20% to 25% oxygen, depending on who you
ask, and 1% like other stuff. I’m not quite sure what that is. So here’s
the big idea. I would take jars
of air from the most
amazing, exotic places and sell them to
people, to everyone plants,
cats, animals of all sorts. You can open up these
jars and let the air dissipate in your home and have energy from
specific places all over the world. What I loved about this video is that there’s
too many of us in too many industries that take ourselves too serious.
I think it’s important to kind of be able to laugh. I think that it’s
really good to kind of make fun of ourselves, and I think that that’s what
she did. That’s an example of sometimes the production doesn’t matter if
you’re just capturing something that’s entertaining to watch.
Gold is right there. You can literally just set up a few cameras in
front of someone who’s doing something interesting, and then it creates a
good video and they really want to share. Yeah, shake it to the lift
and to share when you’re moving in and moving in to share that air,
get that product lacrosse. Get your features, get your experiential,
get your experience.
That’s it for this video. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.
Be sure to tune back in for another video in the future.